The Melting Pressure and Entropy of Spin-Ordered Solid 3He (with D. D. Osheroff), Phys. Lett. 77A, 458 (1980).
A Local Phonon Model of Strong Electron-Phonon Interactions in A-15 Compounds and Other Strong-Coupling Superconductors (with P. W. Anderson) Phys. Rev. B 29, 6165 (1984).
Possible Mechanism for Thermal Conductivity in (KBr)1-x(KCN)x Phys. Rev. B 32, 4220 (1985).
Effects of Superconducting Electrons on the Energy Splitting of Tunneling Systems (with A. V. Granato), Phys. Rev. B 32, 4793 (1985).
The Thermal Conductivity and Specific Heat of Glasses (with J. J. Freeman), Phys. Rev. B 36, 7620 (1987).
Low Temperature Properties of Amorphous Materials: Through a Glass Darkly , (with A. J. Leggett), Comments on Condensed Matter Physics, 14, 231 (1988).
The Phase Diagram of the Hubbard Model: A Variational Wavefunction Approach (with S. N. Coppersmith), Phys. Rev. B 39, 11464 (1989).
An Interacting Defect Model of Glasses: Why Do Phonons Go So Far?, Phys. Rev. Lett. 63, 1160 (1989).
Phase Transitions of Interacting Elastic Defects, Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 2787 (1992).
Critical Behavior of the Coulomb Glass , (with E. R. Grannan), Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 3335 (1993).
A Numerical Renormalization Group Study of the One Dimensional Kondo Insulator, (with S. R. White), Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 3866 (1993).
Non-Equilibrium Dielectric Behavior in Glasses at Low Temperatures Evidence for Interacting Defects (with H. M. Carruzzo and E. R. Grannan), Phys. Rev. B 50, 6685 (1994).
Kondo Insulators Modeled by the One Dimensional Anderson Lattice: A Numerical Renormalization Group Study , (with M. Guerrero), Phys. Rev. B 51, 10301 (1995).
Absence of a Magnetic Field Induced Metal-Insulator Transition in Kondo Insulators (with H. M. Carruzzo), Phys. Rev. B. 53, 15377 (1996).
An Anderson Impurity in a Semiconductor (with M. Guerrero), Phys. Rev. B 54, 8556 (1996).
A Numerical Renormalization Group Study of a Kondo Hole in a One Dimensional Kondo Insulator, Phys. Rev. B 54, 15917 (1996).
First Order Premelting Transition of Vortex Lattices (with H. M. Carruzzo), Phil. Mag. B 77, 1001 (1998).
Time Dependent Development of the Coulomb Gap, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 4074 (1999).
Viscoelasticity and Surface Tension at the Defect--Induced First--Order Melting Transition of a Vortex Lattice (with H. M. Carruzzo), Phys. Rev. B 61, 1521 (2000).
Slow Dynamics in Glassy Systems, Phil. Mag. B 81, 1209 (2001).
Generalized Compressibility in a Glass Forming Liquid (with H. M. Carruzzo), Phil. Mag. B 82, 125 (2002).
Structural Probe of a Glass Forming Liquid: Generalized Compressibility, (with H. M. Carruzzo), Phys. Rev. E 66, 021204 (2002).
1/f Noise in Electron Glasses (with K. Shtengel), Phys. Rev. B 67, 165106 (2003).
Why Study 1/f Noise in Coulomb Glasses Physica Status Solidi (c) 1, 25 (2004).
Frequency Dependence and Equilibration of the Specific Heat of Glass Forming Liquids (with H. M. Carruzzo), Phys. Rev. E 69, 051201 (2004)
Intracellular actin-based transport: how far you go depends on how often you switch (with J. Snider, F. Lin, N. Zahdi, V. Rodionov and S. P. Gross), Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 101, 13204 (2004). (Supplementary information)
Effect of Increasing Disorder on the Critical Behavior of a Coulomb System (with M. H. Overlin and L. A. Wong), Phys. Rev. B 70, 214203 (2004).
Why Study Noise due to Two Level Systems: A Suggestion for Experimentalists, J. Low Temp. Phys. 137, 251 (2004).
Decoherence of a Josephson qubit due to coupling to two level systems (with L.-C. Ku), Phys. Rev. B 72, 024526 (2005).
Absence of Dipole Glass Transition for Randomly Dilute Classical Ising Dipoles (with J. Snider), Phys. Rev. B 72, 214203 (2005).
Monte Carlo modeling of single-molecule cytoplasmic dynein (with M. P. Singh, R. Mallik, and S. P. Gross), Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 102, 12059-12064 (2005). (Supplementary information)
Yu and Carruzzo reply to comment on `Frequency dependence and equilibration of the specific heat of glass forming liquids' (with H. M. Carruzzo), Phys. Rev. E 72, 023202 (2005).
Decoherence in Josephson Qubits from Dielectric Loss (with J. M. Martinis et al.), Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 210503 (2005).
Measurement Noise Maximum as a Signature of a Phase Transition (with Zhi Chen), Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 057204 (2007).
Studying Molecular Motor-based Cargo Transport: What is Real, and What is Noise? (with D. Y. Petrov, R. Mallik, G. T. Shubeita, M. Vershinin, and S. P. Gross), Biophys. J. 92, 2953-2963 (2007).
Microscopic Model of Critical Current Noise in Josephson Junctions (with M. Constantin), Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 207001 (2007).
Saturation of Two Level Systems and Charge Noise in Josephson Junction Qubits (with M. Constantin and J. M. Martinis), Phys. Rev. B 79, 094520 (2009).
Noise spectra of stochastic pulse sequences: application to large scale magnetization flips in the finite size 2D Ising model (with Zhi Chen) Phys. Rev. B 79, 144420 (2009).
The PCP pathway instructs the planar orientation of ciliated cells in the Xenopus larval skin (with B. Mitchell, J. L. Stubbs, F. Huisman, P. Taborek, and C. Kintner) Current Biology 19, 924 (2009).
Comparison of Ising Spin Glass Noise to Flux and Inductance Noise in SQUIDs (with Zhi Chen) Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 247204 (2010).
How Molecular Motors Are Arranged on a Cargo Is Important for Vesicular Transport (with R. P. Erickson, Z. Jia, and S. P. Gross) PLoS Comp. Biol. 7(5), e1002032 (2011).
Actin and microtubules drive differential aspects of planar cell polarity in multi-ciliated cells (with M. E. Werner, P. Huang, F. Huisman, P. Taborek, and B. J. Mitchell) J. Cell Biology 195, 19 (2011).
Mechanical Stochastic Tug-of-war Models Cannot Explain Bi-directional Lipid droplet Transport (with A. Kunwar, S. K. Tripathy, J. Xu, M. K. Mattson, P. Anand, R. Sigua, M. Vershinin, R. J. McKenney, A. Mogilner, and S. P. Gross) PNAS 108, 18960 (2011).
How Stress Can Reduce Dissipation in Glasses (with Jiansheng Wu) Phys. Rev. B 84, 174109 (2011).
Widom line and noise-power spectral analysis of a supercritical fluid (with Sungho Han) Phys. Rev. E 85, 051201 (2012).
Modeling flux noise in SQUIDs due to hyperfine interactions (with Jiansheng Wu) Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 247001 (2012).
Filament-Filament Switching Can Be Regulated by Separation Between Filaments Together with Cargo Motor Number (with R. P. Erickson and S. P. Gross) PLoS One 8(2), e54298 (2013). Supplement
Axonal Transport: How High Microtubule Density Can Compensate for Boundary Effects in Small-Caliber Axons (with J. C. Wortman, U. M. Shrestha, D. M. Barry, M. L. Garcia and S. P. Gross) Biophysical Journal 106(4), 813 (2014). Supplement
Candidate Source of Flux Noise in SQUIDs: Adsorbed Oxygen Molecules (with H. Wang, C. Shi, J. Hu, S. Han, and R. Q. Wu) Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 077002 (2015).
Origin and Reduction of 1/f Magnetic Flux Noise in Superconducting Devices (with P. Kumar, S. Sendelbach, M. A. Beck, J. W. Freeland, Z. Wang, H. Wang, R. Q. Wu, D. P. Pappas, and R. McDermott) Phy. Rev. Appl. 6, 041001 (2016). Supplement
Axonal Transport: A Constrained System (with B. J. N. Reddy, J. C. Wortman, and S. P. Gross) J. Neurology and Neuromedicine 2(3): 20-24 (2017).
Expanding signaling-molecule wavefront model of cell polarization in the Drosophila wing primodium (with J. C. Wortman, M. Nahmad, P. C. Zhang, and A. D. Lander) PLOS Computational Biology 13(7): e1005610 (2017). Supplement
Non-randomness of anatomical distribution of tumors (with J. K. Mitchell) Cancer Convergence 1:4 (2017). Supplement
Hydrogen as a source of flux noise in SQUIDs (with Z. Wang, H. Wang, and R. Q. Wu) Physical Review B 98, 020403(R) (2018).
Why phonon scattering in glasses is universally small at low temperatures (with H. M. Carruzzo) Physical Review Letters 124, 075902 (2020). Supplement
Occupancy and Fractal Dimension Analyses of the Spatial Distribution of Cytotoxic (CD8+) T Cells Infiltrating the Tumor Microenvironment in Triple Negative Breast Cancer (with J. C. Wortman et al.) Biophysical Reviews and Letters 15, 83-98 (2020). Also appeared in the book The Physics of Cancer: Research Advances, edited by Bernard Gerstman, pp. 63-78, World Scientifc Press (2020).
Physics Approaches to the Spatial Distribution of Immune Cells in Tumors (with J.C. Wortman et al.) Reports on Progress in Physics 84, 022601 (2021).
Spatial distribution of B cells and lymphocyte clusters as a predictor of triple-negative breast cancer outcome (with J. C. Wortman et al.) NPJ Breast Cancer 7 (article number 84), 1-13 (2021).
Tubulin acetylation promotes penetrative capacity of cells undergoing radial intercalation (with C. Collins, S, K. Kim, R. Ventrella, H. M. Carruzzo, J. C. Wortman, H. H. Han, E. E. Suva, J. W. Mitchell, and B. J. Mitchell) Cell Reports 36, 109556 (2021).
Distribution of two-level system couplings to strain and electric fields in glasses at low temperatures (with H. M. Carruzzo, A. Bilmes, J. Lisenfeld, Z. Yu, B. Wang, Z. Wan, and J. R. Schmidt) Physical Review B 104, 134203 (2021).
Two-Level Systems and the Tunneling Model: A Critical View (with H. M. Carruzzo) Chapter 4 in the book "Low-Temperature Thermal and Vibrational Properties of Disordered Solids: A Half Century of Universal ``Anomalies'' in Glasses," edited by M. A. Ramos, World Scientific Press, pp.113-139 (2022).
Effects of Temperature Fluctuations on Charge Noise in Quantum Dot Qubits (with D. L. Mickelsen, H. M. Carruzzo, and S. N. Coppersmith) Physical Review B 108, 075303 (2023).