
The UCI Ph.D. student recounts how their path into science also led them to discover and accept their queer identity.
Apr 16, 2020
The air that pours into your lungs when you breathe travels, on average, at about 10 centimeters a second. But it’s often not just air you’re breathing. There can be dust, pollen, soot and bacteria in air, and now, floating inside the droplets that people emit when they cough and sneeze and talk, there can be coronavirus.
Apr 16, 2020
Stars, galaxies, planets, pretty much everything that makes up our everyday lives owes its existence to a cosmic quirk.
Apr 15, 2020
We are getting closer to understanding why the universe is made of matter and not antimatter. It may be all down to how neutrinos change flavours.
Apr 15, 2020
Scientists on Wednesday announced that they were perhaps one step closer to understanding why the universe contains something rather than nothing.
Apr 13, 2020
Coronavirus is affecting everyone, and our School is no exception. This piece is one of a series of snapshots about the people of the School and how they’re doing during the pandemic.  
Apr 9, 2020
The Physical Sciences Student Affairs Office in Rowland Hall 134 is where people with questions can go to find answers. The doors open at 9a.m., and students walk in wondering about how to enroll in a class, and faculty walk in wondering how to construct a class that students will want to take. Don Williams, the director of the office, wants to make sure good answers find the questions that people have, because he knows that a bad answer can send someone down the wrong path. He also knows that…
Apr 8, 2020
When a snake bites, it can inject a toxic cocktail of venom that can kill soft tissues in the body. The venom can be fatal — between 81,000 and 138,000 people die every year from snake bites, according to the World Health Organization — which is one of the reasons why Ken Shea in the Department of Chemistry, along with a team of researchers, just made a new synthetic antivenin that could help treat far more snake bites than is possible right now.
Apr 7, 2020
Widespread testing, even of those not showing symptoms, is one of the most effective ways to track the prevalence of coronavirus infections in communities.
Apr 7, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed life as we know it with tremendous impact to our work, our homes, families and everything in between. With so many changes, staying motivated and connected to research interests is hard! Through the Physical Sciences #UCIReignite campaign we hope to spur our research community to reconnect with their passion for science. 
Apr 3, 2020
Coronavirus is not the only virus plaguing humanity. Human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, began befalling us in 1981, and with about 32 million people dead to date due to complications caused by the virus, it has yet to loosen its chokehold.
Apr 3, 2020
For work, Francisco Mercado spends his days thinking about stars and metals. He usually does his thinking at UCI in Frederick Reines Hall where he works during the week as a third-year graduate student in the Department of Physics and Astronomy. But when there’s a pandemic, Mercado can do his work just as well at home where he lives in the Campus Village. Mercado’s an astrophysicist who studies how metals distribute themselves in faraway galaxies, and since he does all his work on a computer,…
Apr 2, 2020
When Katy Rodriguez Wimberly came to UCI in the fall of 2016 to start her PhD in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, she came straight from a summer program offered by the university called “Competitive Edge.” The program gave her six weeks to get to know UCI, and to meet faculty and fellow grad students who gave her tips on how to do well in the years to come. The connections she made that summer helped her feel like she belonged in grad school, and that she was a part of the UCI…