Inclusive Excellence Leadership
Inclusive Excellence Leadership

Kathleen Johnson
Equity Advisor
Associate Professor of Earth System Science

Elizabeth Derse Crook
Vice Chair for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Associate Teaching Professor of Earth System Science

Anyes Taffard
Vice Chair for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy

Douglas Tobias
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee Chair
Distinguished Professor of Chemistry

Jesse Wolfson
Vice Chair for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Associate Professor of Mathematics
DECADE Graduate Student Representatives
- Chemistry
- Alissa Matus
- James Pedroarena
- Nathan Gomez
- Yong Li
- Earth System Sciences
- Bryant Pahl
- Gracie Wong
- Mathematics
- Daniel Morrison
- Lulu Schoenfeld
- Physics & Astronomy
- Patricia Fodie
- India Bhalla-Ladd
- Michaela Bacani
- Cameron Moffett
- Pranav Premnath
- Anthony Cho