Giving Priorities

Giving Priorities

Giving Priorities

Brilliant Future, The Campaign for UCI

The School of Physical Sciences plays a vital role in Brilliant Future: the campaign for UCI. We seek a historic philanthropic commitment – a school naming gift. Funding of this magnitude will empower the school to elevate its strong academics and research to elite levels of excellence. A naming gift would ensure that we are able to grow our flagship projects, hire the most dynamic and modern faculty to support our students and research growth, provide premier research facilities, attract and support the best students, and deliver comprehensive innovation through intellectual property protection and commercialization. A naming gift would honor the intrepid spirit and interdisciplinary innovation at the heart of our school. Additionally, the impact of a naming gift for Physical Sciences at UCI will have the ability to completely transform our school. Our 50 years of precedence has established a prestigious level of scientific tradition while allowing great flexibility in shaping future outcomes for our school. View the School of Physical Sciences' case for support to learn more. To learn more about supporting the School of Physical Sciences, please contact us. These funding priorities encapsulate the aggregate naming gift and the strategic priorities for the school:

Revolutionizing the Student Experience
Student support
Faculty support
Strengthen our Infrastructure
New buildings/spaces
Strategic renovations for existing spaces

Support the dean's highest priorities.