In the Media

Jun 16, 2020
Astrobiologists supported in part by the NASA Astrobiology Program are applying their diverse skillset to the development of treatments for patients infected by COVID-19.
May 20, 2020
On April 7, global carbon dioxide emissions plummeted to levels not seen since 2006, according to a study released yesterday that suggests the coronavirus pandemic might have led to the largest reduction in CO2 ever recorded.
May 10, 2020
In January, UCI chemistry doctoral student Brenna Biggs visited a dairy farm in Visalia, California where there are lagoons churning with cow manure. Biggs drove around the farm in a white Sprinter van owned by the University of California, Riverside, and the van had nothing in its trunk but empty space and lab equipment. Biggs used two-liter stainless steel canisters to capture samples of the air that hovered around the farm, and she stored the samples in the back of the van, which she calls a…
May 7, 2020
Every summer since 2009, the NASA Student Airborne Research Program (SARP) has brought about 30 undergraduate STEM students from across the United States to California for an internship experience with NASA Earth Science research that includes flights on a research aircraft. This year with COVID-19 travel and social distancing restrictions in place, SARP might be grounded but the internship continues with new at-home data collection as well as the analysis of previously collected aircraft,…
Apr 28, 2020
James Bullock, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at UC Irvine, joins 'Cheddar Reveals' to discuss advancements and innovations in technology that are allowing astronomers to get a glimpse of what really goes on in the milky way, and beyond.
Apr 24, 2020
Arthur Charles used to start each day with a morning walk with his wife. The loop around his neighborhood in Bakersfield, California wasn’t usually difficult for the 50-year-old to complete. Then one day, two years ago, Charles could barely reach the corner of his street. The routine walk felt like he was running a marathon. 
Apr 20, 2020
The Milky Way could be flinging stars into its outer halo -- a movement triggered by powerful supernova explosions. Supernovas occur when stars explode and lose most of their mass.
Apr 20, 2020
esearchers from America have simulated what the aftermath of a cluster of supernova explosions may look like in Milky Way-mass galaxies, and the results do not disappoint. The immense energy accelerates high-density gas outwards from the galaxy center. As the gas compresses at the edges of these “super bubbles”, new stars are formed, which continue to be propelled into the outer-regions of the stellar halo. This star-forming mechanism could account for up to 40 percent of stars found in…
Apr 20, 2020
The air that pours into your lungs when you breathe travels, on average, at about 10 centimeters a second. But it’s often not just air you’re breathing. There can be dust, pollen, soot and bacteria in air, and now, floating inside the droplets that people emit when they cough and sneeze and talk, there can be the coronavirus.
Apr 16, 2020
Stars, galaxies, planets, pretty much everything that makes up our everyday lives owes its existence to a cosmic quirk.
Apr 15, 2020
We are getting closer to understanding why the universe is made of matter and not antimatter. It may be all down to how neutrinos change flavours.
Apr 15, 2020
Scientists on Wednesday announced that they were perhaps one step closer to understanding why the universe contains something rather than nothing.