In the Media

Aug 16, 2021
They explore topics ranging from 100-year-old unsolved math problems to whether true chaos exists.
Jul 30, 2021
Tomographic imaging with mid-infrared (mid-IR) light has emerged in recent years as a way to visualize the chemical composition of samples without the need for molecular contrast agents. 
Jul 23, 2021
In January 2020, I flew to the United States to pursue my undergraduate studies. One of the reasons why I chose to study in the U.S. is its prominent research environment. 
Jul 12, 2021
Researchers looked at the greater Anza-Borrego area, but similar long-term trends are found elsewhere.
Jul 10, 2021
Hello Borrego Springs. This is a wake-up call. Living in Borrego and the amazing Sonoran Desert that surrounds the community, you probably thought the desert was heat tolerant and immune to global warming. Hey, it’s already a desert, how bad can it get?
Jun 24, 2021
Since the 80's, plant life in the Anza-Borrego Desert in East San Diego County has died off by 35 percent according to a study from UC Irvine. The study's culprit? Major droughts and climate change. 
Jun 23, 2021
Climate change is causing plants to die off in massive numbers in Southern California’s deserts and mountains, UC Irvine researchers have found.
Jun 22, 2021
Desert plants — famous for tolerance of torrid landscapes — are dying at an alarming rate due to the twin threats of even hotter temperatures and less rain, according to new research published this week.
Jun 21, 2021
"They're absolutely on the brink," said one scientist.
May 19, 2021
For decades, mathematicians have debated a simple question about graphs and the number of connections they have. Now using arguments an undergraduate math student could have come up with, Asaf Ferber of the University of California, Irvine and Michael Krivelevich of Tel Aviv University have finally provided the answer in the form of a proof posted in March.
May 18, 2021
This month, climate research from the Randerson group made the headlines.
May 17, 2021
From desert to gold mine — Frederick Reines was a larger-than-life physicist who did larger-than-life experiments.