Physics & Astronomy

Apr 28, 2022
They join 35 others from UCI in the prestigious organization.
Apr 22, 2022
New technique enables precise measurement of electrostatic properties of materials.
Apr 8, 2022
The awards go to scientists who are also inventors, and who are poised to commercialize their inventions. 
Mar 21, 2022
The distinction honors the UCI professor’s work on neutrino detectors in China.  
Mar 18, 2022
The fellowships will support grad student research happening now in the new institute.
Mar 15, 2022
Professor Bill Parker wants to pass on some of his serendipity.
Mar 11, 2022
Research to lead to improved personalized medicine and understanding of evolution.
Mar 4, 2022
The outreach program saw science unfold for underprivileged children in labs across the school.  
Feb 18, 2022
Each year, the National Science Foundation gives out 500 Faculty Early Career Development program, or CAREER, awards in all scientific fields. The awards go to early-career scientists who show the…
Feb 17, 2022
En las simulaciones, las colisiones hacen que las agrupaciones de estrellas más pequeñas pierdan material.
Feb 15, 2022
With the help of a computer simulation, an international research group has apparently found an explanation for two extremely mysterious galaxies in which there is almost no dark matter. When small galaxies collide with large galaxies, the latter could grab all of the dark matter, leaving behind the most unusual objects, the team explains.
Feb 15, 2022
Scientists from the University of California, Irvine and Pomona College used computer models to simulate the evolution of a corner of the universe about 60 million light-years across. The new computer models, which weren't designed to do so, created seven galaxies deprived of dark matter, a sight that had previously puzzled scientists. The strange simulations arose after near-collisions with massive neighboring galaxies, according to a statement from the University of…