3214 Croul Hall
University of California Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697
(949) 824-5391
B.A.S., University of Texas at Austin, 1988, Computer Science
M.S., University of Massachusetts Boston, 1994, Environmental, Coastal and Ocean Sciences
Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1999, Oceanography
Professor Keith Moore is an oceanographer interested in the role of marine biota in global biogeochemical cycles and Earth's climate system. His research focuses on understanding how marine phytoplankton and other ocean biota influence the cycling of key elements (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon, iron) in the oceans, and on the biogeochemical links between the ocean, atmosphere, and land through atmospheric transport and riverine runoff. These topics are approached through computer modeling of marine ecosystem dynamics and biogeochemical cycles, and by analysis of satellite remote sensing data of ocean physical and biological properties.Group Website