What is LEAPS?

LEAPS- Laboratory Experiments and Activities in the Physical Sciences- is an outreach program run by the School of Physical Sciences that brings local middle school students to the UCI campus. LEAPS objectives are to offer students from nearby middle schools a "Day at College" experience and to increase their awareness and understanding of chemistry, physics, and the physical sciences. LEAPS is intended to educate students about the opportunities that exist for them, to help them visualize their lives as students at a university, to engage them in hands-on experiences in research laps and provide opportunities to interact with young scientists. 


LEAPS is run by the Office of Access, Outreach, and Inclusion, to participate please reach out to Ash Hormaza hormazaa@uci.edu.

Financial support from faculty is needed each year for this program to run, if you are interested in supporting please consider adding LEAPS in your NSF proposals. You can access the language for the LEAPS boilerplate text here.