Working remotely
The following instructions will help you to connect to your work machine remotely. In some situations connecting to your machine remotely may not be feasible. It may be better to copy files you may need to a USB flash drive and work on the files locally on your home machine. It is a good idea to encrypt the flash drive especially if you have sensitive files. Here is a page that will help you encrypt the flash drive on windows/mac:
Another good option, if you will be working remotely for an extended period of time, is to take your machine home. Once connected to the internet at home you should download the VPN to access web-based resources on campus. Please check with your department if they will allow this. You will need to submit an electronic device usage form.
When accessing web-based applications from home please install and use the VPN: It is best to use webmail when accessing your email remotely. This will prevent messages from accidently being stored on your home machine while using an email client. If you do use a separate email client, make sure to configure it so your mailboxes, sent folder etc are stored on the server and not locally so you don't have to try to move them later.
Connecting remotely using the operating system's remote desktop capabilities
Mac at work and a PC at home:
* TIP: If you have two displays connected to your work machine consider disconnecting one of the cables from the back of the machine. Also changing the resolution of the display may help if the connection is slow. You might see better performance by following connect remotely with other third party tools below.
1. Turn on Screen Sharing on your work Mac:
2. Install the VPN on the home PC:
3. Install a VNC client on the your home PC (RealVNC or TightVNC viewer):
4. On the home PC, start the VPN by connecting to (typically you will only need the UCI profile not the UCIFULL unless accessing library resources):
5. Connect to your work Mac by launching RealVNC or TightVNC Viewer and entering the ip address of your work Mac. Enter your Mac username and password.
6. You should now have access to your Mac's desktop.
Mac at work and a Mac at home:
1. Turn on Screen Sharing on your work Mac:
2. Install the VPN on the home Mac:
3. On the home Mac, start the VPN by connecting to (typically you will only need the UCI profile not the UCIFULL unless accessing library resources):
4. Connect to your work Mac by entering the ip address of your work Mac (vnc://128.200.x.x), follow the 'Connect using the address' part of this page :
5. Enter your Mac username and password.
6. You should now have access to your Mac's desktop.
PC at work and a Mac at home:
1. Enable Remote Desktop on the work PC:
2. Install the VPN on the home Mac:
3. Install Microsoft Remote Desktop on the home Mac:
4. On the home Mac, start the VPN by connecting to (typically you will only need the UCI profile not the UCIFULL unless accessing library resources):
5. Launch Microsoft Remote Desktop on the home Mac and add the work PC by clicking the '+' sign at the top and selecting 'Add PC'. Enter the ip address in the 'PC Name' field and click 'Add'. Then double click the icon for your PC. Log in with your windows username and password.
6. You should now have access to your PC's desktop.
PC at work and a PC at home:
1. Enable Remote Desktop on the work PC:
2. Install the VPN on the home PC:
3. On the home PC, start the VPN by connecting to (typically you will only need the UCI profile not the UCIFULL unless accessing library resources):
4. Initiate Remote Desktop connection:
5. Type in the ip address of the work PC and click connect. Log in with your windows username and password.
6. You should now have access to your PC's desktop.
Linux at work or home
Installing the vpn:
If you need assistance accessing a linux based system, please contact us
Connecting remotely with other third party tools
Another tool you can try to use is the Chrome Remote Desktop Extension. You can install this extension in the google chrome browser on your work computer and your home computer to access your machine remotely: This solution doesn't require you to connect to the VPN but does require a google account.