Group Publications:
Rowland-Blake Group publications and selected publications by non-group members since 2001.
Other selected Rowland-Blake group publications are [here].
*: Rowland-Blake Group lead publications.
2009 | * | Shin, H.-W.; B. J. Umber*, S. Meinardi, S.-Y. Leu,
F. Zaldivar, D. R. Blake, D and M. Cooper: Acetaldehyde and hexanaldehyde from cultured white cells, Journal of Translational Medicine, 7:31, 2009 (doi:10.1186/1479-5876-7-31) |
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* | Gorham, K. A., M. P. Sulbaek Andersen, S. Meinardi, R. J. Delfino, N. Staimer, T. Tjoa, F. S. Rowland, and D. R. Blake: Ethane and n-Pentane in Exhaled Breath are Biomarkers of Exposure not Effect, Biomarkers, 14, 17, 2009 |
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* | Sulbaek Andersen, M. P., D. R. Blake, F. Sherwood Rowland, M. D. Hurley and T. J. Wallington: Atmospheric Chemistry of Sulfuryl Fluoride: Reaction with OH Radicals, Cl Atoms and O3, Atmospheric Lifetime, IR Spectrum, and Global Warming Potential, Environ. Sci. Technol., DOI: 10.1021/es802439f, 2009 |
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Millet, D.B., E.L. Atlas, D.R. Blake, N.J. Blake, G.S. Diskin, J.S. Holloway, S. Meinardi, T.B. Ryerson, and G.W. Sachse: Halocarbon emissions from the United States and Mexico and their global warming potential, Environ. Sci. Technol., 43, 1055-1060, 2009 |
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2008 | * | Blake, N. J., Elliott Campbell, Stephanie A. Vay, Henry Fuelberg, L. Gregory Huey, Glen Sachse, Simone Meinardi, F. Sherwood Rowland, Donald Blake, Carbonyl sulfide (OCS): Large scale distributions over North America during INTEX-NA and relationship to CO2, submitted to J. Geophys. Res. Atmospheres, In Press. |
Hudman, R.C., L.T. Murray, D. J. Jacob, D.B. Millet, S. Turquety, S. Wu, D. R. |
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Heald, C.L, A.H. Goldstein, J.D. Allan, A.C. Aiken, E. Apel, E.L. Atlas, A.K. Baker, T.S. Bates, A.J. Beyersdorf, D.R. Total Observed Organic Carbon (TOOC): A synthesis of North American observations, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 8, 2007-2025, 2008 |
, T. Campos, H. Coe, J.D. Crounse, P.F. DeCarlo, J.A. de Gouw, E.J. Dunlea, F.M. Flocke, A. Fried, P. Goldan, R.J. Griffin, S.C. Herndon, J.S. Holloway, R. Holzinger, J.L. Jimenez, W. Junkermann, W.C. Kuster, A.C. Lewis, S. Meinardi, D.B. Millet, T. Onasch, A. Polidori, P.K. Quinn, D.D. Riemer, J.M. Roberts, D. Salcedo, B. Sive, A.L. Swanson, R. Talbot, C. Warneke, R.J. Weber, P. Weibring, P.O. Wennberg, A.E. Wittig, R. Zhang, J. Zheng, and W. Zheng: [download pdf] | ||
Fried, A., J. R. Olson, J.G. Walega, J.H. Crawford, G. Chen, P. Weibring, D. Richter, C. Roller, F. Tittel, M. Porter, H. Fuelberg, J. Halland, T.H. Bertram, R.C. Cohen, K. Pickering, B.G. Heikes, J.A. Snow, H. Shen, D.W. O'Sullivan, W.H. Brune, X. Ren, D.R. The role of convection in redistributing formaldehyde to the upper troposphere over North America and the North Atlantic during the summer 2004 INTEX campaign, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D17306, doi:10.1029/2007JD009760, 2008 |
, N. , G. Sachse, G.S. Diskin, J. Podolske, S.A. Vay, R.E. Shetter, S.R. Hall, B.E. Anderson, L. Thornhill, A.D. Clarke, C.S. McNaughton, H.B. Singh, M.A. Avery, G. Huey, S. Kim, and D.B. Millet:[download pdf] | ||
S. A. Mang, D. K. Henricksen, A. P. Bateman, M. P. Sulbaek Andersen, D. R. Blake, and S. A. Nizkorodov: |
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2007 | * | Beyersdorf, A. J., N. J. Blake, A. L. Swanson, S. Meinardi, J. E. Dibb, S. Sjostedt, G. Huey, B. Lefer, F. Sherwood Rowland, D. R. Blake, Hydroxyl Concentration Estimates in the Sunlit Snowpack at Summit, Greenland Atmospheric Environment, 41, 5101-5109, 2007 |
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* | Novak, B. J.; D. R. Blake, S. Meinardi, F. S. Rowland, A. Pontello, D. M. Cooper, and P. R. Galassetti: Exhaled Methyl Nitrate as a Noninvasive Marker of Hyperglycemia in Type 1 Diabetes Proceedings of the National Academies, 104,40, 15613-15618, 2007 |
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* | Simpson, I. J.; N. J. Blake, D. R. Blake, S. Meinardi, M. P. Sulbaek Andersen and F. Sherwood Rowland Strong Evidence for Negligible Methyl Chloroform (MCF) Emissions from Biomass Burning Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L10805, doi:10.1029/2007GL029383, 2007 |
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* | Simpson, I. J., F. Flocke, E. Atlas, F. S. Rowland, S. Meinardi, T. Wang, H. Guo, Y. H. Kwok, and D. R. Blake, Reply to “Comment on ‘Long-term atmospheric measurements of C1-C5 alkyl nitrates in the Pearl River Delta region of southeast China’ by Archibald et al." Atmos. Environ., 2007, in press. |
Bertram, T. H., A. E. Perring, P. J. Wooldridge, J. D. Crounse, A. J. Kwan, P. O. Wennberg, E. Scheuer, J. Dibb, M. Avery, G. Sachse, S. Vay, J. H. Crawford, C.S. McNaughton, S. Ceameron, A. Clarke, K. E. Pickering, H. Fuelberg, G. Huey, D. R. Blake, H. B. Singh, S. R. Hall, R. E. Shetter, A. Fried, B. G. Heikes, and R. C. Cohen Direct Measurements of the Convective Recycling of the Upper Troposphere Science, 325 (5813) 816-820, 2007 |
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Denis, J., N. Pone, K.A. A. Hein, G. B. Stracher, H. J. Annegarn, R. B. Finleman, D. R. Blake, J. K. McCormack, and P. Schroeder The Spontaneous Combustion of Coal and its By-products in Witbank and Sasolburg Coalfields of South Africa International Journal of Coal Geology, 72, 124-140, 2007 |
Guo, H., K. L. So, I. J. Simpson, B. Barletta, S. Meinardi, and D. R. Blake C1-C8 Volatile Organic Compounds in the Atmosphere of Hong Kong: Overview of Atmospheric Processing and Source Apportionment Atmospheric Environment, 41 (7), 1456-1472, 2007 |
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Wingenter, O. W., K. B. Haase, M. Zeigler, D. R. Blake, F. S. Rowland, B. C. Sive, A. Paulin, R. Thyrhaug, A. Larsen, K. Schultz, M. Meyerhoefer, and U. Riebesell Unexpected Consequences of Increasing CO2 and Ocean Acidity on Marine Production of DMS and CH2ClI: Potential Climate Impacts Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L05710, 2007 |
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Yokelson, R. J.; T. Karl, T.d J. Christian, P. Artaxo, J. A. Carvalho Jr., E. C. Alvarado, J. Greenberg, D. R. Blake and A. Guenther Airborne and Ground-based Measurements of Fire and Biogenic Emissions during the 2004 Amazonian Dry Season Integrated Land Ecosystem – Atmosphere Processes Study, 4, 2007 |
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Zhang, J ., T. Want, W. L. Chameides, C. Cardelino, J. Kwok, D. R. Blake, A. Ding, and K. L. So “Ozone production and Hydrocarbon Reactivity in Hong Kong, Southern China” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 7: 557-573, 2007 |
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2006 | * | Barletta, B., S. Meinardi, I. J. Simpson, F. S. Rowland, C.-Y. Chan, X. Want, S. Zou, L. Y. Chan, and D. R. Blake Ambient Halocarbon Mixing Ratios in 45 Chinese Cities Atmospheric Environment, 40, 7706-7719 2006. |
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* | Rowland, F. S. Stratospheric Ozone Depletion Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 361 769-790 2006 |
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* | Simpson, I. J., T. Wang, H. Guo, Y. H. Kwok, F. Flocke, E. Atlas, S. Meinardi, F. S. Rowland, D. R. Blake Long-term Atmospheric Measurements of C1-C5 Alkyl Nitrates in the Pearl River Delta Region of Southeast China Atmospheric Environment, 40, 1619-1632, 2006 |
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* | Simpson, I. J., F. S. Rowland, S. Meinardi, and D. R. Blake Influence of Biomass Burning during Recent Fluctuations in the Slow Growth of Global Tropospheric Methane Geophysical Research Letters, 30, L22808, doi:10.1029/2006GL0237330, 2006 |
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Anderson, B. E., G. Chen, and D. R. Blake Hydrocarbon Emissions from a Modern Commercial Airliner Atmospheric Environment, 40 (19), 3601-3612, 2006 |
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Chan, L.-Y. , K.-Wah Chu, S.-C. Zou, C.-Y. Chan, X.-M. Wang, B. Barletta, D. R. Blake, H. Guo, and W.-Y. Tsai Characteristics of Nonmethane Hydrocarbons (NMHCs) in Industrial, Industrial-urban, and Industrial-suburban Atmospheres of the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region of South China Journal of Geophysical Research,111, D11304 doi:10.1029/2005JD006481, 2006 |
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Galassetti, P., B. Novak, S. Meinardi, R. Flores, D. M. Cooper, and D. Blake Exhaled Aromatic Volatile Organic Compounds as Markers of Intravenously Induced Hyperglycemia Diabetes, 55, A92-A92 Suppl. 1, 2006 |
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Guo, H., T. Wang, D. R. Blake, I. J. Simpson, Y. H. Kwok, and Y. S. Li Regional and Local Contributions to Ambient Non-methane Volatile Organic Compounds at a Polluted Rural/Coastal Site in Pearl River Delta, China Atmospheric Environment, 40 (13) 2345-2359, 2006 |
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Methven, J., S. R. Arnold, A. Stohl, M. J. Evans, M. Avery, K. Law, A. C. Lewis, P. S. Monks, D. D. Parrish, C. E. Reeves, H. Schlager, E. Atlas, D. R. Blake, H. Coe, J. Crosier, F. M Flocke, J. S. Holloway, J. R. Hopkins, J. McQuaid, R. Purvis, B. Rappengluck, H. B. Singh, N. M. Watson, L. K. Whalley, and P. I. Williams. Establishing Lagrangian Connections between Observations within Air Masses Crossing the Atlantic during the International Consortium for Atmospheric Research on Transport and Transformation Experiment Journal of Geophysical Research,111, D23S62 doi:10.1029/2006JD007540, 2006 |
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Millet, D. B., D. J. Jacob, S. Turquety, R. C. Hydman, S. L. Wu, A. Fried, J. Walega, B. G. Heikes, D. R. Blake, H. B. Singh, B. E. Anderson, and A. D. Clarke Formaldehyde distribution over North America: Implications for satellite retrievals of formaldehyde columns and isoprene emission Journal of Geophysical Research,111(D24) D24S02, 2006 |
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Takegawa, N., T. Miyakawa, Y. Kondo, D. R. Blake, Y. Kanaya, M. Koike, M. Fukuda, Y. Komazaki, Y. Miyazaki, A. Shimono, and T. Takeuchi Evolution of Submicron Organic Aerosol in Polluted Air Exported from Tokyo Geophysical Research Letters, 33 (15) L15814, 2006 |
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Tsai, W. Y., L. Y. Chan, D. R. Blake, and K. W. Chu Vehicular Fuel Composition and Atmospheric Emissions in South China: Hong Kong, Macau, Guangzhou, and Zhuhai Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 6, 3281-3288, 2006 |
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Wang, Y., Y. Choi, T. Zeng, B. Ridley, M. Blake, D. Blake and F. Flocke Late-Spring Increase of Trans-Pacific Pollution Transport in the Upper Troposphere Geophysical Research Letters, 33 (L01811) (doi:10.1029/2005GL024975) 2006 |
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Yoshida, Y., Y. Wang, C. Shim, D. Cunnold, D. R. Blake, and Geoffrey S. Dutton Inverse Modeling of the Global Methyl Chloride Sources Journal of Geophysical Research,111, D16307 doi:10.1029/2005JD006696, 2006 |
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Zeng, T., Y. H. Wang, K. Chance, N. Blake, D. Blake, and B. Ridley Halogen-driven Low-altitude O-3 and Hydrocarbon Losses in Spring at Northern High Latitudes Journal of Geophysical Research, 111 (D17) D17313, 2006 |
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Zhang, F., X. Wang, Z. Yi, L. Li, C. Chan, L. Chan and D. R. Blake Preliminary Investigation on Levels and Trends of Atmospheric Chlorodifuoromethane (HCFC-22) in the Pearl River Delta Huanjing Kexue Xuebao, 26, 987-991, 2006 |
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2005 | * | Barletta, B., S. Meinardi, F. S. Rowland, C.-Y. Chan, X. Wang, S. Zou, L. Y. Chan and D. R. Blake Volatile Organic Compounds in 43 Chinese Cities Atmospheric Environment, 39 5979-5990, 2005 |
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* | Kamboures, M. A., D. R. Blake, D. M. Cooper, R. L. Newcomb, M. Barker, J. K. Larson, S. Meinardi, E. Nussbaum, and F. S. Rowland Breath Sulfides and Pulmonary Function in Cystic Fibrosis Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102 (44), 15762-15767, 2005 |
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Galassetti, P. R., B. Novak, D. Nemet, C. Rose-Gottron, D. M. Cooper, S. Meinardi, R. Newcomb, F. Zaldivar, D. R. Blake Breath Ethanol and Acetone as Indicators of Serum Glucose Levels: an initial report Diabetes Technol Ther. 7(1):115-23 2005 |
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Lee, S., K. Baumann, J. J. Schauer, R. J. Sheesley, L. P. Naeher, S. Meinardi, D. R. Blake, E. S. Edgerton, A. G. Russell, and M. Clements Gaseous and Particulate Emissions from Prescribed Burning in Georgia Environment Science and Technology, 39, 9049-9056, 2005 |
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Jacob, D. J., B. D. Field, Q. Li, D. R. Blake, J. de Gouw, C. Warneke, A. Hansel, A. Wisthaler, H. B. Sing, and G. Guenther Global Budget of Methanol: Constraints from Atmospheric Observations. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110 (D8) (DOI 10.1029/2004JD005172) 27 April 2005 |
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Stracher, G. B., A. Prakash, P. Schroeder, J. McCormack, X. Zhang, P. Van Dijk, and D. R. Blake New Mineral Occurrences and Mineralization Processes: Wuda Coal-Fire Gas Vents of Inner Mongolia American Mineralogist, 90, 1729-1739, 2005 |
Wang, T., H. Guo, D. R. Blake, Y. H. Kwok, I. J. Simpson, and Y. S. Li Measurements of trace gases in the inflow of South China Sea background air and outflow of regional pollution at Tai O, Southern China, J. Atmos. Chem., 52, 295-317, 2005 |
Wingenter, O., B. C. Sive, N. J. Blake, D. R. Blake and F. S. Rowland Atomic Chlorine Concentrations Derived from Ethane and Hydroxyl Measurements over the Equatorial Pacific Ocean: Implication for Dimethyl Sulfide and Bromine Monoxide Journal of Geophysical Research, 110 (D20308) (doi:10.1029/2005JD005875) 2005 |
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2004 | * | Blake, N. J., D. G. Streets, J.-H. Woo, I. J. Simpson, J. Green, S. Meinardi, K. Kita, E. Atlas. H. E. Fuelberg, G. Sachse, M. A. Avery, S. A. Vay, R. W. Talbot, J. E. Dibb, A. R. Bandy, D. C. Thronton, F. S. Rowland and D. R. Blake Carbonyl Sulfide and Carbon Disulfide: Large-scale distributions over the western Pacific and emissions form Asia during TRACE-P Journal of Geophysical Research, 109(D15), D15S05/1-D15S05/15, 2004 |
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* | Simpson, I. J., S. Meinardi, N. J. Blake, F. S. Rowland, and D. R. Blake Long-term Decrease in the Global Atmospheric Burden of Tetrachloroethene (C2Cl4) Geophysical Research Letters, 31(8), L08108/1-L08108/5, 2004 |
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* | Swanson, A. L., D. D. Davis, R. Arimoto, P. Roberts, E. L. Atlas, F. Flocke, S. Meinardi, F. S. Rowland, and D. R. Blake Organic Trace Gases of Oceanic Origin Observed at South Pole during ISCAT 2000 Atmospheric Environment, 38(32), 5463-5472, 2004 |
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Chan, C. Y., X. D. Zheng, L. Y. Chan, H. Cui, E. W. L. Ginn, Y. K. Leung, H. M. Lam, Y. G. Zheng, Y. Qin, C. S. Zhao, T. Wang, D. R. Blake, and Y. S. Li Vertical Profile and Origin of Wintertime Tropospheric Ozone over China during the PEACE-A Period Journal of Geophysical Research,109(D23), D23S06, 2004 |
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Chen, G., D. D. Davis, J. Crawford, L. M. Hutterli, L. G. Huey, D. Slusher, L. Mauldin, F. Eisele, D. Tanner, J. Dibb, M. Buhr, J. McConnel, B. Lefer, R. Shetter, D. Blake, C. H. Song, K. Lombardi, and J. Arnoldy A Reassessment of HOx South Pole Chemistry Based on Observations Recorded during ISCAT 2000 Atmospheric Environment, 38(32), 5451-5461, 2004 |
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Christian, T. J., B. Kleiss, R. J. Yokelson, R. Holzinger, P. J. Crutzen, W. M. Hao, T. Shirai, and D. R. Blake Comprehensive Laboratory Measurements of Biomass-burning Emissions: 2. First Intercomparison of Open-path FTIR, PTR-MS, and GC-MS/FID/ECD Journal of Geophysical Research, 109(D2), D02311/1-D02311/12, 2004 |
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Davis, D., F. Eisele, G. Chen, J. Crawford, G. Huey, D. Tanner, D. Slusher, L. Mauldin, S. Oncley, D. Lenschow, S. Semmer, R. Shetter, B. Lefer, R. Arimoto, A. Hogan, P. Grube, M. Lazzara, A. Bandy, D. Thornton, H. Berresheim, H. Bingemer, M. Hutterli, J. McConnel, R. Blaes, J. Dibb, M. Buhr, J. Park, P. McMurry, A. Swanson, S. Meinardi, and D. Blake An overview of ISCAT 2000 Atmospheric Environment, 38(32), 5363-5373, 2004 |
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Guo, H., T. Wang, I. J. Simpson, D. R. Blake, X. M. Yu, Y. H. Kwok, and Y. S. Li Source Contributions to Ambient VOCs and CO at a Rural Site in Eastern China Atmospheric Environment, 38(27), 4551-4560, 2004 |
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Kondo, Y., K. Nakamura, G. Chen, N. Takegawa, M. Koiki, Y. Miyazaki, K. Kita, J. Crawford, M. Ko, D. R. Blake, T. Shirai, B. Liley, Y. Wang, and T. Ogawa Photochemistry of Ozone over the Western Pacific from Winter to Spring Journal of Geophysical Research,109(D23), D23S02, 2004 |
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Olson, J. R., J. H. Crawford, G. Chen, A. Fried, M. J. Evans, C. E. Jordan, S. T. Sandholm, D. D. Davis, B. E. Anderson, M. A. Avery, J. D. Barrick, D. R. Blake, W. H. Brune, F. L. Eisele, F. Flocke, H. Harder, D. J. Jacob, Y. Kondo, B. L. Lefer, M. Martinez, R. L. Mauldin, G. W. Sachse, R. E. Shetter, H. B. Singh, R. W. Talbot, and D. Tan Testing fast photochemical theory during TRACE-P based on measurements of OH, HO2, and CH2O Journal of Geophysical Research, 109 (D15), D15S10/1-D15S10/16, 2004 |
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Kondo, Y., Y. Morion, N. Takegawa, M. Koike, K. Kita, Y. Miyazaki, G. W. Sachse, S. Vay, M. A. Avery, F. Glocke, A. J. Weinheimer, F. L. Eisele, M. A. Zondlo, R. J. Weber, H. B. Singh, G. Chen, J. Crawford, D. R. Blake, H. E. Fuelberg, A. D. Clarke, R. W. Talbot, S. T. Sandholm, E. V. Browell, D. G. Streets and B. Liley Impacts of Biomass Burning in Southeast Asia on Ozone and Reactive Nitrogen over the Western Pacific in Spring Journal of Geophysical Research, 109(D15), D15S12/1-D15S12/22, 2004 |
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Oshima, N., M. Koike, H. Nakamura, Y. Kondo, N. Takegawa, Y. Miyzaki, D. R. Blake, T. Shirai, K. Kita, S. Kawakami, and T. Ogawa Asian Chemical Outflow to the Pacific in Late Spring Observed during the PEACE-B Aircraft Mission Journal of Geophysical Research,109(D23), D23S05, 2004 |
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O’Sullivan, D. W., B. G. Heikes, J. Snow, P. Burrow, M. Avery, D. R. Blake, G. W. Sachse, R. W. Talbot, D. C. Thornton, and A. R. Bandy Long-term and seasonal variations in the levels of hydrogen peroxide, methylhydroperoxide, and selected compounds over the Pacific Ocean Journal of Geophysical Research, 109 (D15), D15S13/1-D15S13/21, 2004 |
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Singh, H. B., L. J. Salas, R. B. Chatfield, E. Czech, A. Fried, J. Walega, M. J. Evans, B. D. Field, D. J. Jacob, D. Blake, B. Heikes, R. Talbot, G. Sachse, J. H. Crawford, M. A. Avery, S. Sandholm, and H. Fuelberg Analysis of the Atmospheric Distribution, Sources, and Sinks of Oxygenated Volatile Organic Chemicals Based on Measurements over the Pacific during TRACE-P Journal of Geophysical Research, 109 (D15), D15S07/1-D15S07/20, 2004 |
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Sinha, P., P. V. Hobbs, R. J. Yokelson, D. R. Blake, S. Gao, and T. W. Kirchstetter Emissions from Miombo Woodland and Dambo Grassland Savanna Fires Journal of Geophysical Research,109(D11), D11305/1-D11305/13, 2004 |
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Stroud, C., S. Madronich, E. Atlas, C. Cantrell, A. Fried, B. Wert, B. Ridley, F. Eisele, L. Mauldin, R. Shetter, B. Lefer, F. Flocke, A. Weinheimer, M. Coffey, B. Heikes, R. Talbot, and D. Blake Photochemistry in the Arctic Free Troposphere: Ozone Budget and Its Dependence on Nitrogen Oxides and the Production Rate of Free Radicals Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 47(2), 107-138, 2004 |
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Takegawa, N., Y. Kondo, M. Koike, G. Chen, T. Machida, T. Watai, D. R. Blake, D. G. Streets, J.-H. Woo, G. R. Carmichael, K. Kita, Y. Miyazaki, T. Shirai, J. B. Liley, and T. Ogawa Removal of NOx and NOy in Asian Outflow Plumes: Aircraft measurements over the western Pacific in January 2002 Journal of Geophysical Research,109(D23), D23S04, 2004 |
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Tu, F. H., D. C. Thornton, A. R. Bandy, G. R. Carmichael, Y. Tang, K. L. Thronhill, G. W. Sachse, and D. R. Blake Long-range Transport of Sulfur Dioxide in the Central Pacific Journal of Geophysical Research, 109 (D15), D15S08/1-D15S08/17, 2004 |
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Wang, T., C. H. Wong, T. F. Cheung, D. R. Blake, R. Arimoto, K. Baumann, J. Tang, G. A. Ding, X. M. Yu, Y. S. Li, D. G. Streets, and I. J. Simpson Relationships of Trace Gases and Aerosols and the Emission Characteristics at Lin'an, a Rural Site in Eastern China, during Spring 2001 Journal of Geophysical Research, 109(D19) D19S05/1-D19S05/16, 2004. |
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Wingenter, O. W., K. B. Haase, P. Strutton, G. Friederich, S. Meinardi, D. R. Blake, and F. S. Rowland Changing Concentrations of CO, CH4, C5H8, CH3Br, CH3I, and Dimethyl Sulfide during the Southern Ocean Iron Enrichment Experiments Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 101(23), 8537-8541, 2004 |
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Zhao, L., X. Wang, Q. He, H. Wang, G. Sheng, L. Y. Chan, J. Fu, and D. R. Blake Exposure to Hazardous Volatile Organic Compounds, PM10 and CO While Walking Along Streets in Urban Guangzhou, China Atmospheric Environment, 38(36), 6177-6184, 2004 |
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Ziao, Y., D. J. Jacob, J. S. Wang, J. A. Logan, P. I. Palmer, P. Suntharalingam, R. M. Yantosca, G. W. Sachse, D. R. Blake and D. G. Streets Constraints on Asian and European Sources of Methane from CH4-C2H6-CO correlations in Asian outflow Journal of Geophysical Research, 109 (D15) D15S16/1-D15S16/15. 2004. |
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2003 | * | Blake, N. J., D. R. Blake, I. J. Simpson, S. Meinardi, A. L. Swanson, J. P. Lopez, A. S. Katzenstein, B. Barletta, T. Shirai, E. Atlas, G. Sachse, M. Avery, S. Vay, H. Fuelberg, C. M. Kiley, K.Kita, and F. Sherwood Rowland NMHCs and Halocarbons in Asian Continental Ourflow during the Transport and Chemical Evolution over the Pacific (TRACE_P) Field Campaign: Comparison with PEM-West B Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, 8806, (D20), DOI10.1029/2002JD003367, 2003 |
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* | Blake, N. J., D. R. Blake, A. Swanson, E. Atlas, F. Flocke, and F. S. Rowland Latitudinal, Vertical, and Seasonal Variations of C1-C4 Alkyl Nitrates in the Troposphere over the Pacific Ocean during PEM-Tropics A and B: Oceanic and Continental Sources Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, (D2), 8242, doi:10.1029/2001JD001444, 2003. |
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* | Blake, N. J., D. R. Blake, B. C. Sive, A. S. Katzenstein, S. Meinardi, O. W. Wingenter, E. L. Atlas, F. Flocke, B. Ridley, and F. S. Rowland The Seasonal Evolution of NMHCs and Light Alkyl Nitrates at Middle to High Northern Latitudes during TOPSE Journal of Geophysical Research 108, (D4), 8359 doi:10.1029/2001JD001467, 2003 |
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* | Katzenstein, A. S., L. A. Doezema, I. J. Simpson, D. R. Blake, and F. S. Rowland Extensive Regional Atmospheric Hydrocarbon Pollution in the Southwestern United States Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2003, 11975-11979 |
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* | Meinardi, S., I. J. Simpson, N. J. Blake, D. R. Blake and F. Sherwood Rowland Dimethyl Disulfide (DMDS) and Dimethyl Sulfide (DMS) Emissions from Biomass Burning in Australia Geophysical Research Letters, 30, (9), doi:10.1029/2003GL016967, 2003. |
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* | Simpson, I. J., N. J. Blake, D. R. Blake, E. Atlas, F.k Flocke, J. H. Crawford, H. E. Fuelberg, C. M. Kiley, S. Meinardi, and F. S. Rowland Photochemical Production and Evolution of Selected C2-C5 Alkyl Nitrates in Tropospheric Air Influenced by Asian Outflow Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, 8808, (D20), DOI10.1029/2002JD002830, 2003 |
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* | Simpson, I. J., O. W. Wingenter, D. J. Westerberg, H. E. Fuelberg, C. M. Kiley, J. H. Crawford, S. Meinardi, D. R. Blake, and F. Sherwood Rowland Airborne Measurements of Cirrus-Activated C2Cl4 Depletion in the Upper Troposphere with Evidence Against Cl Reactions Geophysical Research Letters, 30 (20), 2025, doi:10.1029/2003GL017598, 2003 |
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* | Swanson, A., N. J. Blake, E. Atlas, F. Flocke, D. R. Blake, and F. S. Rowland Seasonal Variations of C2-C4 Nonmethane Hydrocarbons and C1-C4 Alkyl Nitrates at the Summit Research Station in Greenland Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, doi:10.1029/2001JD001445, 2003. |
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Bartlett, K. B., G. W. Sachse, T. Slate, C. Harward, and D. R. Blake Large-scale Distribution of CH4 in the Western North Pacific: Sources and Transport from the Asian Continent Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, 8807, D20, DOI 10.1029/2002JD003076, 2003. |
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Browell, E. V., M. A. Fenn, C. F. Butler, W. B. Grant, V. G. Brackett, J.n W. Hair, M. A. Avery, R.d E. Newell, Y. Hu, H. E. Fuelberg, D. J. Jacob, B. E. Anderson, E. L. Atlas, D. R. Blake, W. H. Brune, J. E. Dibb, A. Fried, B. G. Heikes, G. W. Sachse, S. T. Sandholm, H. B. Singh, R. W. Talbot, S. A. Vay, R. J. Weber, and K. B. Bartlett |
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Browell, E. V., J. W. Hair, C.n F. Butler, W. B. Grant, R. J. DeYoung, M. A. Fenn, V. G. Brackett, M. B. Clayton, L. A. Brasseur, D. B. Harper, B. A. Ridley, A. A. Klonecki, P. G. Hess, L. K. Emmons, X. Tie, E. L. Atlas, C. A. Cantrell, A. J. Wimmers, D. R. Blake, M. T. Coffey, J. W. Hannigan, J. E. Dibb, R. W. Talbot, F. Flocke, A. J. Weinheimer, A. Fried, B. Wert, J. A. Snow, and B. L. Lefer Ozone, aerosol, potential vorticity, and trace gas trends observed at high-latitudes over North America from February to May 2000 Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, NO. D4, 8369, doi:10.1029/2001JD001390, 2003 |
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Cantrell, C. A., G. D. Edwards, S. Stephens, R. L. Mauldin, M. A. Zondlo, E. Kosciuch, F. L. Eisele, R. E. Shetter, B. L. Lefer, S. Hall, F. Flocke, A. Weinheimer, A. Fried, E. Apel, Y. Kondo, D. R. Blake, N. J. Blake, I. J. Simpson, A. R. Bandy, D. C. Thornton, B. G. Heikes, H. B. Singh, W. H. Brune, H. Harder, M. Martinez, D. J. Jacob, M. A. Avery, J. D. Barrick, G. W. Sachse, J. R. Olson, J. H. Crawford, and A. D. Clarke Peroxy Radical Behavior during the Transport and Chemical Evolution over the Pacific (TRACE-P) Campaign as Measured Aboard the NASA P-3B Aircraft Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, 8797, D20, DOI 10.1029/2003JD003674, 2003. |
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Cantrell, C. A., L. Mauldin, M. Zondlo, F. Eisele, E. Kosciuch, R. Shetter, B. Lefer, S. Hall, T. Campos, B. Ridley, J. Walega, A. Fried, B. Wert, F. Flocke, A. Weinheimer, J. Hannigan, M. Coffey, E. Atlas, S. Stephens, B. Heikes, J. Snow, D. Blake, N. Blake, A. Katzenstein, J. Lopez, E. V. Browell, J. Dibb, E. Scheuer, G. Seid, and R. Talbot Steady State Free Radical Budgets and Ozone Photochemistry during TOPSE Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (D4), 8361, doi:10.1029/2001JD000198, 2003. |
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Carmichael, G. R., Y. Tang, G. Kurata, I. Uno, d. Streets, J.-H. Woo, H. Huang, J. Yienger, B. Lefer, R. Shetter, D. Blake, E. Atlas, A. Fried, E. Apel, F. Eisele, C. Cantrell, M. Avery, J. Barrick, G. Sachse, W. Brune, S. Sandholm, Y. Kondo, H. Singh, R. Ta;lbot, A. Bandy, D. Thorton, A. Clarke, and B. Heikes Regional-scale Chemical Transport Modeling in support of the Analysis of Observations Obtained during the TRACE-P Experiment Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, D21, DOI 10.1029/2002JD003117, 2003. |
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Crawford, J., J. Olson, D. Davis, G. Chen, J. Barrick, R. Shetter, B. Lefer, C. Jordan, B. Anderson, A. Clarke, G. Sachse, D. Blake, H. Singh, S. Sandolm, D. Tan, Y. Kondo, M. Avery, F. Flocke, F. Eisele, L. Mauldin, M. Zondlo, W. Brune, H. Harder, M. Martinez, R. Talbot, A. Bandy, and D. Thornton Clouds and Trace Gas Distributions during TRACE-P Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, 8818, D21, DOI 10.1029/2002JD003177, 2003. |
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Carmichael, G. R., Y. Tang, G. Kurata, I. Uno, D. G. Streets, N. Thongboonchoo, J.-H. Woo, S. Guttikunda, A. White, T. Wang, D. R. Blake, E. Atlas, A. Fried, B. Potter, M. A. Avery, G. W. Sachse, S. T. Sandholm, Y. Kondo, R. W. Talbot, A. Bandy, D. Thorton, and A. D. Clarke Evaluating Regional Emission Estimates Using the TRACE-P Observations Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, 8810, D21, DOI 10.1029/2002JD003116, 2003. |
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Chan, C. Y., L. Y. Chan, J. M. Harris, S. J. Oltmans, D. R. Blake, Y. Qin, Y. G. Zheng, X. D. Zheng Characteristics of Biomass Burning Emission Sources, Transport, and Chemical Speciation in Enhanced Springtime Tropospheric Ozone Profile over Hong Kong Journal of Geophysical Research 108, (D1), 4015, DOI10.1029/2001JD001555 2003 |
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Choi, Y., S. Elliott, I. J. Simpson, D. R. Blake, J.h J. Colman, M. K. Dubey, S. Meinardi, F. S. Rowland, T. Shirai, and F. A. Smith Survey of whole air data from the second airborne Biomass Burning and Lightning Experiment using principal component analysis Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, D5, 4163, doi:10.1029/2002JD002841, 2003 |
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Davis, D. D., G. Chen, J. H. Crawford, S. Liu, D. Tan, S., T. Sandholm, P. Jing, D. M. Cunnold, B. DiNunno, E. V. Browell, W. B. Grant, M. A. Fenn, B. E. Anderson, J. D. Barrick, G. W. Sachse, S. A. Vay, C. H. Hudgins, M. A. Avery, B. Lefer, R. E. Shetter, B. G. Heikes, D. R. Blake, N. Blake, Y. Kondo, and S. Oltmans An Assessment of Western North pacific Ozone Photochemistry Based on Springtime Observations from NASA’s PEM-West B (1994) and TRACE-P (2001) Field Studies Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, D21, DOI 10.1029/2002JD003232, 2003. |
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Dibb, J. E., R. W. Talbot, G. Seid, C. Jordan, E. Scheuer, E. Atlas, N. J. Blake, and D. R. Blake Airborne Sampling of Aerosol Particles: Comparison between Surface Sampling at Christmas Island and P-3 Sampling during PEM-Tropics B Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (D2), 8230, doi:10.1029/2001JD000408, 2003. |
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DiNunno, B., D. Davis, G. Chen, G. Gregory, G. Sachse, B. Anderson, S. Vay, M. Avery, B. Ridley, M. Carroll, J. Walega, D. Montzka, F. Grahek, J. Bradshaw, S. Sandholm, Y. Kondo, G. Kok, D. Blake, N. Blake, J. Barrick, H. Fuelberg, B. Martin, and A. Balok Central/Eastern North Pacific Photochemical Precursor Distributions for Fall/Spring Seasons as Defined by Airborne Field Studies Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (D2), 8240, doi:10.1029/2001JD001044, 2003. |
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Elliott, S., D. R. Blake, N. J. Blake, M. K. Dubey, F. Sherwood Rowland, B. C. Sive, and F. A. Smith BIBLE A Whole-Air Sampling as a Window on Asian Biogeochemistry Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(D3), 8407, doi:10.1029/2001JD000790, 2003. |
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Evans, M. J., D. J. Jacov, E. Atlas, C. A. Cantrell, F. Eisele, F. Flocke, A. Fried, R. L. Mauldin, B. A. Ridley, B. Wert, R. Talbot, D. Blake, B. Heikes, J. Snow, J. Walega, A. J. Weinheimer, and J. Dibb Coupled Evolution of BrOx-ClOx-HOx-NOx Chemistry during Bromine-Catalyzed Ozone Depletion Events in the Arctic Boundary Layer Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (D4), 8368, doi:10.1029/2002JD002732, 2003. |
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Fried, A., J. Crawford, J. Olson, J. Walega, W. Potter, B. Wert, C. Jordan, B. Anderson, R. Shetter, B. Lefer, D. Blake, N. Blake, S. Meinardi, B. Heikes, D. O’Sullivan, J. Snow, H. Fuelberg, C. M. Kiley, S.Sandholm, D.Tan, and G. R. Carmichael Airborne Tunable Diode Laser Measurements of Formaldehyde during TRACE-P: Distributions and Box Model Comparisons Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, 8798, D20, DOI 10.1029/2003JD003451, 2003. |
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Fried, A., Y. Wang, C. Cantrell, B. Wert, J. Walega, B. Ridley, E. Atlas, R. Shetter, B. Lefer, M. T. Cofey, J. Hannigan, D. Blake, N. Blake, S. Meinardi, B. Talbot, J. Dibb, E. Scheuer, O. Wingenter, J. Snow, B. Heikes, and Dieter Ehhalt Tunable Diode Laser Measurements of Formaldehyde during TOPSE 2000 Study: Distribuions, Trends, and Model Comparisons Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (D4), 8365, doi:10.1029/2002JD002208, 2003. |
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Hannan, J. R., H. E. Fuelberg, J. H. Crawford, G. W. Sachse, and D. R. Blake Role of Wave Cyclones in Transporting Boundary Layer Air to the Free Troposphere during the Spring 2001 NASA/TRACE-P Experiment Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, 8785, D20, DOI 10.1029/2002JD003105, 2003. |
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Heald, C. L., D. J. Jacob, P. I. Palmer, M. J. Evans, G. W. Sachse, H.t B. Singh, and D. R. Blake Biomass Burning Emission Inventory with Daily Resolution: Application to aircraft observations of Asian outflow Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, D21, DOI 10.1029/2002JD003082, 2003. |
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Heald, C. L., D. J. Jacob, A. M. Fiore, L. K. Emmons, J. C. Gille, M. N. Deeter, J. Warner, D. P. Edwards, J. H. Crawford, A. J. Hamlin, G. W. Sachse, E. V. Browell, M. A. Avery, S. A. Vay, D. J. Westberg, D. R. Blake, H. B. Singh, S. T. Sandholm, R. W. Talbot, and H. E. Fuelberg Asian Outflow and Trans-Pacific Transport of Carbon Monoxide and Ozone Pollution: An Integrated Satellite, Aircraft, and Model Perspective Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, 4804, D24, DOI 10.1029/2003JD003507, 2003. |
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Hobbs, P. V., P. Sinha, R. J. Yokelson, T. J. Christian, D. R. Blake, S. Gao, T. W. Kirchstetter, T. Novakov, and P. Pilewskie. Evolution of Gases and Particles from a Savanna Fire in South Africa Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, (D13) doi:10.1029/2002JD002352, 2003. |
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Johnston, N. A. C., D. R. Blake, F. S. Rowland, S. Elliott, K. S. Lackner, H. J. Ziock, M. K. Dubey, H. P. Hanson, and S. Barr Chemical Transport Modeling of Potential Atmospheric CO2 Sinks Energy Conversion and Management, 44, 2003 681-689. |
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Kita, K., S. Kawakami, Y. Miyazaki, Y. Higashi, Y. Kondo, N. Nishi, M. Koike, D. R. Blake, T. Machida, T. Sano, W. Hu, M. Ko, and T. Ogawa Photochemical Production of Ozone in the Upper Troposphere in Association with Cumulus Convection over Indonesia Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (D3), 8400, doi:10.1029/2001JD000844, 2003. |
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Klonecki, A., P. Hess, L. Emmons, L. Smith, J. Orlando and D. Blake Seasonal Changes in the Transport of Pollutants into the Arctic Troposphere-model Study Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (D4), 8367, doi:10.1029/2002JD002199, 2003. |
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Ko, M., W. Hu, J. M. Rodriguez, Y. Kondo, M. Koike, K. Kita, S. Kawakami, D. Blake, S Liu, and T. Ogawa Photochemical Ozone Budget during the BIBLE A and B Campaigns Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(D3), 8404, doi:10.1029/2001JD000800, 2003. |
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Koike, M., T. Kondo, K. Kita, N. Takegawa, Y. Masui, Y. Miyazaki, M. w. Ko, A. J. Weinheimer, F. Flocke, R. J. Weber, D. C. Thornton, G. W. Sachse, S. A. Vay, D. R. Blake, D. G Streets, F. L. Eisele, S. T. Sandholm, H. B. Singh, and R. W. Talbot Export of Anthropogenic Reactive Nitrogen and Sulfur Compounds from the East Asia Region in Spring Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, 8789, D20, DOI 10.1029/2002JD003284, 2003. |
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Koike, M., Y. Kondo, K. Kita, N. Nichi, S. C. Liu, D. Blake, M. Ko, D. Akutagawa, S. Kawakami, N. Takegawa, Y. Zhao, and T. Ogawa Reactive Nitrogen over the Tropical Western Pacific: Influence from Lightning and Biomass Burning during BIBLE A Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(D3), 8403, doi:10.1029/2001JD000823, 2003. |
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Kondo, Y., M. Takegawa, Y. Miyazaki, M. Ko, M. Koike, K. Kita, S. Kawakami, T. Shirai, T. Ogawa, D. R. Blake, B. Liley, and J. Russell-Smith Effects of Biomass Burning and Lightning on Atmopsheric Chemistry over Australia and South-East Asia International Journal of Wildland Fire, 12, 271-281, 2003. |
Kondo, Y., M. Koike, K. Kita, H. Ikeda, N. Takegawa, s. Kawakami, D. Blake, S. C. Liu, M. Ko, Y. Miyazaki, H. Irie, Y. Higashi, B. Liley, N. Nishi, Y. Zhao, and T. Ogawa. Effects of Biomass Burning, Lightning, and Convection on O3, CO, and NOy over Tropical Pacific and Australia in August-October 1998 and 1999 Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(D3), 8402, doi:10.1029/2001JD000820, 2003. |
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Lee, Y.-N., R. Weber, Y. Ma, D. Orsini, K. Maxwell-Meier, D. Blake, S. Meinardi, G. Sachse, C. Howard, T.-Y. Chen, D. Thronton, F.-H. Tu, and A. Bandy Airborne Measurement of Inorganic Ionic Components of Fine Aerosol Particles using the Particle-into-Liquid Sampler Coupled to Ion Chromatography Technique during ACE-Asia and TRACE-P Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, (D23) doi:10.1029/2002JD003265, 2003. |
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Liley, J. B., D. Baumgardner, Y. Kondo, K. Kita, D. R. Blake, M. Koike, T. Machida, N. Takegawa, S. Kawakami, T. Shirai, and T. Ogawa Black Carbon in Aerosol during BIBLE B Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(D3), 8399, doi:10.1029/2001JD000845, 2003. |
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Ma, Y., R. J. Weber, Y.-N. Lee, D. A. Orsini, K. Maxwell-Meier, D. C. Thrnton, A. R. Bandy, A. D. Clarke, D. R. Blake, G. W. Sachse, H. E. Fuelberg, C. M. Kiley, J.-H. Woo, D. G. Streets, and G. R. Carmichael Characteristics and Influence of Biosmoke on the Fine-Particle Ionic Composition Measured in Asian Outflow during the Transport and Chemical Evolution Over the Pacific (TRACE-P) Experiment Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, D21, DOI 10.1029/2002JD003200, 2003. |
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Machida, T., K. Kita, Y. Kondo, D. Blake, S. Kawakami, G. Inoue, and T. Ogawa Vertical and Meridonal Distributions of the Atmospheric CO2 Mixing Ratio Between Northern Midlatitudes and Southern Subtropics Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(D3), 8401, doi:10.1029/2001JD000910, 2003. |
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Mari, C., C. Saut, D. J. Jacob, F. Ravetta, B. Anderson, M. A. Avery, D. R. Blake, W. H. Brune, I. Faloona, G. L. Gregory, B. G. Heikes, G. W. Sachse, S. T. Sandholm, H. B. Singh, T. W. Talbot, D. Tan, and S. Vay Sources of Upper Tropospheric HOx over the South Pacific Convergence Zone: A Case Study Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (D2), 8229, doi:10.1029/2000JD000304, 2003. |
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Martin, B. D., H. E. Fuelberg, N. J. Blake, J. H. Crawford, J. A. Logan, D. R. Blake, and G. W. Sachse Long-Range Transport of Asian Outflow to the Equatorial Pacific Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (D2), 8322, doi:10.1029/2001JD001418, 2003. |
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Mauldin III, R. L., C. A. Cantrell, M. Zondlo, E. Kosciuch, F. L. Eisele, G. Chen, D. Davis, R. Weber, J. Crawford, D. Blake, A. Bandy, and D. Thornton Highlights of OH, H2SO4, and Methane Sulfonic Acid Measurements Made Aboard the NASA P-3B during Transport and Chemical Evolution over the Pacific Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, 8796, D20, DOI 10.1029/2003JD003410, 2003. |
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Miyazaki, Y., K. Kita, Y. Kondo, M. Koike, M. Ko, W. Hu, S. Kawakami, D. R. Blake, T. Ogawa Springtime Photochemical Ozone Production Observed in the Upper Troposphere over East Asia Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(D3), 8398, doi:10.1029/2001JD000811, 2003. |
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Miyazaki, Y., Y. Kondo, M. Koike, H. E. Fuelberg, C. M. Kiley, K. Kita, N. Takegawa, G. w. Sachse, F. Flocke, A. J. Weinheimer, H. B. Singh, F. L. Eisele, M. Zondlo, R. W. Talbot, S. T. Sandholm, M. A. Avery, and D. R. Blake Synoptic-scale Transport of Reactive Nitrogen over the Western Pacific in Spring Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, 8788, D20, DOI 10.1029/2002JD003248, 2003. |
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Palmer, P. I., D. J. Jacob, L. J. Mickley, D. R. Blake, G. W. Sachse, H. E. Fuelberg, and C. M. Kiley Eastern Asian Emissions of Anthropogenic Halocarbons Deduced from Aircraft Concentration Data Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, 4753, D24, DOI 10.1029/2003JD003591, 2003. |
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Redeker, K. R., S. Meinardi, D. Blake, and R. Sass Gaseous Emissions from Flooded Rice Paddy Agriculture Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, (D13) doi:10.1029/2002JD002814, 2003. |
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Ridley, B. A., E. L. Atlas, D. D. Montzka, E. V. Browell, C. A. Cantrell, D. R. Blake, N. J. Blake, L. Cinquini, M. T. Coffey, L. K. Emmons, R. C. Cohen, R. J. DeYoung, J. E. Dibb, F. L. Eisele, F. M. Flocke, A. Fried, F. E. Grahek, W. B. Grant, J. W. Hair, J. W. Hannigan, B. J. Heikes, B. L. Lefer, R. L. Mauldin, J. L. Moody, R. E. Shetter, J. A. Snow, R. W. Talbot, J. A.T hronton, J. G. Walega, A. J. Weinheimer, B. P. Wert, and A. J. Wimmers Ozone Depletion Events Observed in the High Latitude Surface Layer during the TOPSE Aircraft Program Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (D4), 8356, doi:10.1029/2001JD001507, 2003 |
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Russo, R. S., R. W. Talbot, J. E. Dibb, E. Scheuer, G. Seid, C. E. Jordan, H. E. Fuelberg, G. W. Sachse, M. A. Avery, S. A. Vay, D. R. Blake, N. J. Blake, E. Atlas, A. Fried, S. T. Sandholm, D. Tan, H. B. Singh, J. Snow, and B. G. Heikes Chemical Composition of Asian Continental Outflow over the Western Pacific: Results from Transport and Chemical Evolution over the Pacific (TRACE-P) Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, 8804, D20, DOI 10.1029/2002JD003184, 2003. |
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Shirai, T., D. R. Blake, S. Meinardi, F. S. Rowland, J. Russell-Smith, A. Edwards, Y. Kondo, M. Koike, K. Kita, T. Machida, N. Talegawa, N. Nishi, S. Kawakami, and T. Ogawa Emission Estimates of Selected Volatile Organic Compounds from Tropical Savanna Burning in Northern Australia Journal of Geophysical Research 108, (D3), 8406, doi:10.1029/2001JD000841, 2003. |
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Singh, H. B., L. Salas, D. Herlth, R. Kolyer, E. Czech, W. Viezee, Q. Li, D. J. Jacob, D. Blake, G. Sachse, C. N. Harward, H. Fuelberg, C. M. Kiley, Y. Zhao, and Y. Kondo In Situ Measurements of HCN and CH3CN over the Pacific Ocean: Sources, Sinks, and Budgets Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, 8795, D20, DOI 10.1029/2002JD003006, 2003. |
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Sinha, P., P. V. Hobbs, R. J. Yokelson, I. T. Bertschi, D. R. Blake, I. J. Simpson, S. Gao, T. W. Kirchstetter, and T. Novakov Emissions of Trace Gases and Particles from Savanna Fires in southern Africa Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, (D13) doi:10.1029/2002JD002332, 2003. |
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Takegawa, N., Y. Kondo, M. Koike, M. Ko, K. Kita, D. R. Blake, N. Nishi, W. Hu, J. B. Liley, S. Kawakami, T. Shirai, Y. Miyazaki, J. Ikeda, J. Russel-Smith, and T. Ogawa Removal of NOx and NOy in Biomass Burning Plumes in the Boundary Layer over Northern Australia Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, (D10) doi:10.1029/2002JD002505, 2003. |
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Talbot, R., J. Dibb, E. Scheuer, G. Seid, R. Russo, S. Sandholm, D. Tan, H. Singh, D. Blake, N. Blake, E. Atlas, G. Sachse, C. Jordan, and M. Avery Reactive Nitrogen in Asian Continental Outflow over the Western Pacific: Results from the NASA Transport and Chemical Evolution over the Pacific (Trace-P) Airborne Mission Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, 8803, D20, DOI 10.1029/2002JD003129, 2003. |
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Tang, Y., G. R. Carmichael, J.-H. Woo, N. Thongboonchoo, G. Kurata, I. Uno, D. G. Streets, D. R. Blake, R. J. Weber, R. W. Talbot, Y. Kondo, H. B. Singh, and T. Wang Influences of Biomass Burning during the Transport and Chemical Evolution Over the Pacific (TRACE-P) Experiment Identified by the Regional Chemical Transport Model Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, D21, DOI 10.1029/2002JD003110, 2003. |
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Vay, S. A., J.-H. Woo, B. E. Anderson, K. L. Thornhill, D. R. Blake, D. J. Westberg, C. M. Kiley, M. A. Avery, G. W. Sachse, D. G. Streets, Y. Tsutsumi, and S. R. Nolf Influence of Regional-scale Anthropogenic Emissions on CO2 Distributions over the Western North Pacific Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, 8801, D20, DOI 10.1029/2002JD003094, 2003. |
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Wang, T. , A. J. Ding, D. R. Blake, W. Zahorowski, C. N. Poon, and Y. S. Li Chemical Characterization of the Boundary Layer Outflow of Air Pollution to Hong Kong during February – April 2001 Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, 8787, D20, DOI 10.1029/2002JD003272, 2003. |
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Wang, Y., C. Shim, N. Blake, D. Blake, Y. Choi, B. Ridley, J. Dibb, A. Wimmers, J. Moody, F. Flocke, A. Weinheimer, R. Talbot, and E. Atlas Intercontinental Transport of Pollution Manifested in the Variability and Seasonal Trend of Springtime O3 at Northeirn Middle and High Latitudes Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, D21, (DOI 10.1029/2003JD003592), 2003. |
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Wang, Y., B. Ridley, A. Fried, C. Cantrell, D. D. Davis, G. Chen, J. Snow, B. Heikes, R. Talbot, J. Dibb, F. Flocke, A. Weinheimer, N. Blake, D. Blake, R. Shetter, B. Lefer, E. Atlas, M. Coffey, J. Walega, and B. Wert Springtime Photochemistry at Northern Mid and High Latitudes Journal of Geophysical Research 108, (D4), 8358 doi:10.1029/2001JD002227, 2003 |
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Wei, C.-F., V. R. Kotamarthi, O. J. Ogunsola, L. w. Horowitz, S. Walters, D. J. Wuebbles, M. A. Avery, D. R. Blake, E. V. Browell, and G. W. Sachse Seasonal Variability of Ozone Mixing Ratios and Budgets in the Tropical Southern Pacific: A GCTM Perspective Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (D2), 8235, doi:10.1029/2001JD000772, 2003. |
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Woo, J.-H., D. G. Streets, G. R. Carmichael, Y. Tang, B.n Yoo, W.-C. Lee, N. Thongboonchoo, S. Pinnock, G. Kurata, I. Uno, Q. Fu, S. Vay, G. w. Sachse, D. R. Blake, A. Fried, and D. C. Thornton Contribution of Biomass and Biofuel emissions to Trace Gas Distributions in Asia during the TRACE-P Experiment Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, D21, DOI 10.1029/2002JD003200, 2003. |
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2002 | * | Barletta, B., S. Meinardi, I. J. Simpson, H. A. Khwaja, D. R. Blake and F. S. Rowland Mixing Ratios of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in the Atmosphere of Karachi, Pakistan Atmospheric Environment, 2002, 36, 3429-3443 |
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* | Blake, N. J., and D. R. Blake Tropospheric Chemistry and Composition: VOCs: Overview in Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences Edited by James R. Holton, John A. Pyle, and Judith A. Curry, Academic Press, London, UK, pages 2438-2445, 2002. |
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* | Rowland, F. S. Stratospheric Ozone Depletion, the Greenhouse Effect, and Global Smog Proceedings of the International Forum Commemorating the Centennial of the Nobel Prize, March 2002, Science Council of Japan, 33-52 |
* | Rowland, F. S. Global Climate Change and the Making of a Report to the President of the United States. Commentary Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Fall 2002, Vol. LVI, No. 1, p. 45-50 |
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* | Simpson, I. J., S. Meinardi, D. R. Blake, N. J. Blake, F. S. Rowland, E. Atlas, and F. Flocke A Biomass Burning Source of C1-C4 Alkyl Nitrates Geophysical Research Letters 29 (24), 2168, doi: 10.1029/2002GL016290, 2002. |
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* | Simpson, I. J., T.-Y. Chen, D. R. Blake, and F. S. Rowland Implications of the Recent Fluctuations in the Growth Rate of Tropospheric Methane Geophysical Research Letters, 2002 29, 10.1029/2001GL014521 |
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* | Swanson, A. L., N. J. Blake, J. E. Dibb, M. R. Albert, D. R. Blake and F. S. Rowland Photochemically Induced Production of CH3Br, CH3I, C2H5I, Ethene, and Propene within Surface Snow at Summit, Greenland Atmospheric Environment, 2002, 36, 2671-2682 |
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Bell, N., L. Hsu, D. J. Jacob, M. G. Schultz, D. R. Blake, J. H. Butler, D. B. King, J. M. Lobert, and E. Maier-Reimer Methyl Iodide: Atmospheric Budget and use as a Tracer of Marine Convection in Global Models Journal of Geophysical Research, 2002, 107, No. D17, DOI10.1029/2001JD001151. |
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Chatfield, R. B., Z. Guao, G. W. Sachse, D. R. Blake, and N. J. Blake The Subtropical Global Plume in the Pacific Exploratory Mission-Tropics A (PEM-Tropics B, and the Global Atmospheric Sampling Program (GASP): How Tropical Emissions Affect the Remote Pacific Journal of Geophysical Research, 2002, 107, No. D16, DOI 10.1029/2001JD000497 |
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Johnston, N. A. C., J. J. Colman, D. R. Blake, M. J. Prather, and F. S. Rowland On the Variability of Tropospheric Gases: Sampling, Loss Patterns, and Lifetime Journal of Geophysical Research, 2002, 107 (D11), 10.1029/2001JD000669 |
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Smith, F. A., S. Elliott, D. R. Blake and F. S. Rowland Spatiotemporal Variation of Methane and Other Trace Hydrocarbon Concentrations in the Valley of Mexico Environmental Science and Policy, 2002, 249, 1-13 |
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Wang, T., T. F. Cheung, Y. S. Li, X. M. Yu, and D. R. Blake Emission Characteristics of CO, NOx, SO2 and Indications of Biomass Burning Observed at a Rural Site in Eastern China Journal of Geophysical Research, 2002, 107, (D12), doi:10.1029/2001JD000724. |
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Other select publications:
1975 | Molina, M. J., and F. S. Rowland Stratospheric sink for chlorofluoromethanes: chlorine atom-catalysed destruction of ozone Nature 249, 1974, 810 |
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1991 | Rowland, F. S. Stratospheric Ozone Depletion Annual Reviews of Physical Chemistry, 42, 1991, 731 |
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1995 | Blake, D. R., and F. S. Rowland Urban Leakage of Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Its Impact on Air Quality in Mexico City Science 269, 1995, 953 |
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1996 | Rowland, F. S. Stratospheric Ozone Depletion by Chlorofluorocarbons (Nobel Lecture) Angewandte Chemie, 35, 1996, 1786-1798 |
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1998 | Gupta, M. L., R. J. Cicerone, D. R. Blake, F. S. Rowland and I. S. A. Isaksen, Global Atmospheric Distributions and Source Strengths of Light Hydrocarbons and Tetrachloroethylene J. Geophysical Research, 103, 1998, 28,219-28,235 |
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1999 | Chen, T.-Y., D. R. Blake, J. P. Lopez and F. S. Rowland Estimation of Global Vehicular Methyl Bromide Emissions: Extrapolation from a Case Study in Santiago, Chile Geophysical Research Letters, 1999, 26 , 283-286, |
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2001 | Blake, N. J., D. R. Blake, I. J. Simpson, J. P. Lopez, N. A. C. Johnston, A. L. Swanson, A. S. Katzenstein, S. Meinardi, B. C. Sive, J. J. Colman, E. Atlas, F. Flocke, S. A. Vay, M. A. Avery and F. S. Rowland, Large scale latitudinal and vertical distributions of NMHCs and selected halocarbons in the troposphere over the Pacific Ocean during the March-April 1999 Pacific Exploratory Expedition (PEM-Tropics B), J. Geophys. Res., 106, D23, 32,627-32,644, 2001. |
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