Physical Sciences Year in Review

On behalf of Dean James Bullock, please join us for our second annual Bright Past, Brilliant Future: A Year in Review.

Dean Bullock will provide an exclusive review of the School of Physical Sciences' most recent accomplishments and share his bold vision for the future of the School. Followed by a Q&A session.

Thursday, January 13, 2022
 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. PT
Online via Zoom

Watch the recording here.

Live from CERN!

You read about FASER last winter — the new particle detector designed and built by UCI physicists that just might discover evidence for the existence of the biggest thing in the universe — now see it with your own eyes during a live stream event featuring three of the scientists behind the project: Professors Jonathan Feng and David Casper, and Ph.D. student Savannah Shively. 

Watch the YouTube recording here.

Compelling Conversations: Big Data, Machine Learning, and Modeling

One studies the fabric of the Universe, one studies the oceans, and one studies mathematics and cancer. They come from different fields, but they all speak a common language, one that orbits around how to grapple with big sets of data using artificial intelligence tools like machine learning. In this latest episode of Compelling Conversations from the UCI School of Physical Sciences, join Dean James Bullock as he moderates a chat between three scientists — Ph.D.

The 10 new Physical Sciences faculty

One flies through clouds so she can collect data useful for understanding climate change. Another uses cells to synthesize artificial materials, while yet another wants to discover geometric shapes no-one ever knew existed. These are just some of the ways the UCI School of Physical Sciences’ 10 new faculty do their work. Each looks at the physical universe through a different lens, but they’re all united in their common drive to extend their fields into uncharted latitudes.