
X-ray vision
One of the first experimenters at the new flagship US laser, Michigan alum Franklin Dollar’s mission is bigger than research.
Sep 30, 2020
The UCI researchers who probe the Earth and sky for answers to momentous questions about the environment, the oceans and the atmosphere have gotten smart about unlocking solutions. The key: They turn…
Sep 27, 2020
Sometime between 11,000 and 5,000 years ago, after the last ice age ended, the Sahara Desert transformed. Green vegetation grew atop the sandy dunes and increased rainfall turned arid…
Sep 24, 2020
On Sept. 24, 2020 Dean Bullock shared an exclusive review of his first year as dean and his bold vision for the future of UCI Physical Sciences.  View presentation slides, here.  
Sep 23, 2020
If you were given a chance to study the cosmos with NASA’s much-anticipated James Webb Space Telescope, what would be your target? University of California, Irvine astronomer Vivian U knows what she…
Sep 22, 2020
Collins recognized for leading the School’s teachers into the online realm, and, now, for pivoting to help students face a hard pandemic job market
Sep 17, 2020
Susan Trumbore, UCI professor of Earth system science, is among four recipients of the 2020 Balzan Prize, one of the most prestigious international awards in natural science and humanities. She…
Sep 16, 2020
Whether Earth-bound or star-bound, our Hispanic and Latinx scientists and staff make our School hum.
Sep 15, 2020
Take a break and listen to the relay race-like work three of our Ph.D. students did to help in the effort against coronavirus. 
Sep 15, 2020
When Chris Barty focuses his mind on something, it is with laser precision. The UC Irvine Distinguished Professor of Physics and Astronomy learned from an early age he was drawn to lasers after…
Sep 14, 2020
The use of hydrogen as a fuel could make global warming worse by affecting chemical reactions  in the atmosphere, write researchers Michael Prather and Graeme Pearman. They argue that more…
Sep 11, 2020
The widespread adoption of electrified transportation is seen as an important step in slowing climate change, but that depends on our ability to produce enough batteries for this and other…
Sep 10, 2020
Irvine, Calif., Sept. 10, 2020 – Through concerted, policy-driven efforts, China has converted large swaths of desert into grassland over the past few decades, but this success has come at a…