In file md.h:

template class MeasuringDevice

Pupose: To structure de common behavior of all measurements


Public Methods

virtual void Start()
Start is executed as the first step of a measurement.
virtual void TakeData()
This should be used for measurement spanning several timesteps.
virtual void SumData()
Where processing of the data taken by TakeData should be done.
virtual void Average()
Once one or more cycles of SumData have been done, do the average.
virtual void Initialize()
What do to before a measurement starts and after Average() is called.


Pupose: To structure de common behavior of all measurements. It handles the timing of the measurements in a unified manner. Measurements like the compressibility or the energies are classes derived from this one. See meas_dev.H for examples. Notes: The timing comprises the following elements a) when to start the measurement (start_time) b) all long a given measurement lasts (duration) duration will be 1 unless a given measurement spans many timesteps (e.g. time corr. func.) c) sampling specifies how many times a measurement is to be made if data is to be save to a file "my_file", the name of the file must be given to the MeasuringDevice constructor (last arg). If the file name argument is missing, the data is dumped in the default log_file. Given "my_file", the data will be saved in the file "run_name.my_file.run_id" The fist line of this file is a header line that describes briefly the content of the file: # quantity_name vs. sweep_var_name quantity_name defaults to "my_file" but can be changed. sweep_var_name is determined by a call to SetUpMeasurementsOutputHeader(String sweep_var_name); IMPORTANT: YOU SHOULD NOT ASSUME THAT ANY OF THE PARAMETERS HAVE BEEN INITIALIZED WHEN CALLING THE CONSTRUCTOR YOU MUST MAKE SURE THAT THE PARAMETERS ARE SET TO THEIR PROPER VALUE BEFORE A CALL TO "Initialize()" IS MADE. This must be kept in mind when setting up arrays whose size depends on measuring times, etc...
virtual void Start()
Start is executed as the first step of a measurement.

virtual void TakeData()
This should be used for measurement spanning several timesteps.

virtual void SumData()
Where processing of the data taken by TakeData should be done.

virtual void Average()
Once one or more cycles of SumData have been done, do the average.

virtual void Initialize()
What do to before a measurement starts and after Average() is called.

Direct child classes:

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling