Purpose: Compute the Spin glass susceptibility
Purpose: Compute the Spin glass susceptibility. The sample is divided into n_cells regions (n_cells=cells**3, cells regions on a side). S_i is computed for each cell i and the spin glass susc. (1/N)\sum_{ij}^2 is evaluated (N=number of particles in the simulation. Note that one could equally well normalize it to the number of cells (n_cells) instead. But that would make comparing calculations with differently sized cells harder. Note 1: This measurement only works with cubic samples. Note 2: This version stores the whole history of S_I(t) for each block I As a result this uses up of lot of memory. See the next SpinGlass class for a version that calculates the average on the fly and thus does not require storing the entire history. To do: Use typedefs to make it also work in 2D.
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