Machine Learning Resources

Here is a list of a few available online resources for starters in machine learning. The assessed level of difficulties may not be accurate. 

Course/Resource links Description Level of Difficulty
Andrew Ng's Coursera Course Extremely popular online course for students new to machine learning. Beginner
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning Graduate-level machine learning textbook, usually used as a reference. Beginner
MIT Deep Learning Book A more modern take on machine learning focused on deep learning, from the creator of GANs. Very comprehensive. Beginner
Clean Code Describes good coding practices, how to make code legible, and what legible code is. Advanced
PyTorch Docs PyTorch documentation  Beginner
Numpy User guide Numpy reference docs Beginner
Pandas Docs Pandas reference docs Beginner
Feature Visualization: Distill Article Understanding the trained neural network (Convolutional Neural Network focused) Advanced
Understanding LSTM Networks A descriptive blog article on Long Short Term Memory networks Intermediate
Numpy Stack in python by the Lazy Programmer Provides brief introduction to Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scipy, free course in Udemy Beginner
Codecademy learn python3 Interactive python lessons for starters with some free lessons Beginner
Codecademy Machine Learning A 7-week long introduction to machine learning course available on subscription Intermediate
Lazy Programmer Full AI Covers everything in AI-basic to reinforcement learning, specialized in deep learning. Courses available in Udemy Beginner-Advanced
UCI CS273 A: machine learning course materials are available in Prof. Sameer Singh's website Intermediate
datacamp python and machine learning courses There are varieties of topics covered, some free interactive lessons are available Beginner-Advanced Free ML courses, choices available for both beginners and experienced learners Beginner-Advanced
edX free machine learning courses There are some free courses from different platforms, without graded assignments and limited access, can be R based Beginner Available in coursera, requires a subscription  Advanced
Learning from data Free introductory course from Caltech, videos available in youtube, homeworks available Beginner
machine learning a probabilistic perspective Introductory Book on probabilistic machine learning by Kevin Murphy Beginner