As a Chemistry student, you have many class choices depending on how much math and chemistry you have completed and what your plans are post-graduation from UC Irvine.
If you are not sure about which courses you have credit for from the AP and/or IB Exams you took, then you need to figure that out, first. This info can be found in the UCI Catalogue.
You also need to have a window open showing your Degree Requirements.
OK, now you are ready to start choosing classes....
The most important class for you is Chemistry and Chemistry Lab. The first Chemistry class for you is Chem M2A (or H2A if you are a CHP student or want to take Honors). The Lab that goes with Chem M2A is called M2LA.
You need to be enrolled in both Chem M2A & M2LA.
AP Chem score of 3 or higher will not satisfy the Chem M2A requirement.
• Chem M2A has prerequisites. Those can be found here:
• Students cannot place out of H2A via the AP Exam, so if you are CHP or want to take honors level General Chemistry, then you will take Chem H2A and H2LA, even if you have AP credit for Chem 1A.
You should also enroll in a Math class, depending on your AP/IB credit.
• If you have credit for Math 2A, then enroll in Math 2B. If you have credit for Math 2B, then enroll in Math 2D.
• If you do not have AP or IB credit for Math, but you have at least a 650 or better on the Math SAT, or a 3 on the AP Calc Exam, then you can enroll directly into Math 2A.
• If you do not have any of the above, then you can't start in Math 2A. Another route is to take a placement exam through ALEKS, so read this page very carefully:
Your third class should be Writing (usually 39A or 39B or 39C), or Academic English (usually 20A, 20B, 20C or 20D), depending on where you start.
• If you have Entry Level Writing satisfied, then you start with Writing 39B.
• If you haven't taken the Analytical Writing Placement Exam, you can find more information here:
• If you have a 4 or 5 on the AP English Language or AP English Literature exam, then you have credit for Writing 39B and will start with Writing 39C.
If you would like to take a fourth class, consider taking a General Education (GE) course. Categories III and IV are usually a good place to start.
* All Chem freshmen students are ready to take Chem 11 in their first year. It's a fun 1-unit seminar class that addresses available tracks in the major, research opportunities in the chemistry department, careers in chemistry, and relevant programs and resources for students.
***Students interested in attending Professional School (such as Pharmacy School, Medical School, Dental School, Nursing School, etc.) should also enroll in Bio Sci 93 in the fall. Bio Sci 93 may be major restricted; please refer to the Schedule of Classes to see when the major restriction will lift.
Info about professional schools, and more, can be found here: . Know that this might put you in 4 classes for your first quarter. If you are not comfortable with this course load then you might be able to delay your math class by one or more quarters. Please contact the Academic Counselors if you have any questions or concerns.
Here is what your fall schedule should look like: