The Yodh Prize was established in 1998 to recognize a scientist whose research career has had a major impact on the understanding of cosmic rays. The Prize was endowed by Gaurang and Kanwal Yodh to the University of California Irvine Foundation. The awardee is selected by an international committee of distinguished scientists in the field of cosmic ray and astroparticle physics. There is no age restriction. The award consists of a prize of US$2000 and will be presented at the 39th ICRC in Geneva, Switzerland, July 15-July 24, 2025. The winner will also be invited to visit the University of California, Irvine to present a Department of Physics and Astronomy Colloquium at some time during the following year. Further information is available at http://ps.uci.edu/~yodhprize.
Nominations will include a letter
supporting the case, the nominee's
curriculum vitae, and a list of important
publications. The sponsor may also wish to
ask two co-sponsors to send letters
supporting the nomination. Nominations
should be sent to (email preferred):
Professor Steve Barwick
Secretary of the Yodh Prize Committee
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of California
Irvine, CA 92697, USA
Fax: +1-949-824-2174
Email: sbarwick [at] uci.edu
The deadline for receipt of nominations is 24 March 2025.
W. Ian Axford, 2001-03; Myron Bander
(secretary), 2005-09; Steve Barwick
(secretary), 2017-; Ramanath Cowsik,
2001-07; Georgia DeNolfo, 2021-; Brenda
Dingus, 2015-; Anatoly Erlykin, 2007-13;
Jonathan Feng (secretary), 2011-15;
Sunil Gupta (ex officio), 2019-2021; Sunil Gupta, 2023-; Werner
Hofmann, 2009-13; Martin Israel,
2009-17; John Learned, 2001-11; Glenn
Mason, 2001-03; Frank McDonald, 2005-11;
Igor Moskolenko, 2017-; Jonas Schultz
(secretary), 2001-03; Pierre Sokolsky,
2017-2019; Christian Spiering, 2019-;
Todor Stanev, 2009-15; Suresh C. Tonwar, 2015-2021; Trevor Weekes, 2001-05; Mark
Wiedenbeck, 2013-2019; R. Jeffrey
Wilkes, 2013; Arnold Wolfendale, 2001-05