Career Conversations
- Discuss the mentor's educational background and the role of educational preparation in his/her field
- Talk about current event or issue in the mentor's field
- Schedule a shadow visit or a company tour - if appropriate
Job Search Process
- Review the mentee's resume and/or cover letter
- Lead the mentee through a mock interview
- Discuss how to best look for jobs/internships in the mentor's field
Graduate School Consultations
- Share what the mentor learned about navigating graduate school
- Discuss how the mentor worked with advisors
- Talk about how the mentor prepared for the transition from school to the professional world
Mentor's Story
- Talk about how the mentor has balanced personal life and career and what to expect
- Discuss what the mentor would have done differently at UC Irvine if he/she could do it over
- Talk about how the mentor has dealt with personal or professional challenges
Networking Pursuits
- Introduce the mentee to colleagues or other contacts
- Attend a professional association meeting or conference together
- Guide the mentee in how to conduct an informational interview