``A Vision for Enhancing the Teacher as a Resource''

Michael Fried, Professor of Mathematics, UCI, June 1994


Mathematics is an enormously important skill. Our students can learn to use this skill in one-on-one learner-teacher situations. Technology is the one classroom resource that has increased over the last ten years. We must use that resource to efficiently simulate one-on-one learning situations.


For example, in Mathematics: Many dedicate their lives to improving first year calculus teaching. The material, however, by contrast to vector calculus has an advantage: engineers, physics people, chemistry people, math people, all agree what is its essence. That agreement disappears when you cross into the spatially oriented vector calculus. Especially difficult are how to entwine the necessary algebra and geometry thinking. The problem: 9th and 10th grade algebra texts have yet to show teachers how put the algebra and geometry modes of thinking together into one classroom. First year Calculus, in a practical sense, is mostly algebra. Failure to deal with this has meant an almost total wipe out of minority students who struggle to enter the narrow gate of scientific adventure.