UCI ICS 80W, Homework 3

For lab the week of 11-14 July 1995

Before you begin, read this entire document.

The goals this week are for each team to:

  1. Preparation and Set up

    1. Restore your Netscape environment from floppy disk
    2. Log in to Clyde with NCSA Telnet

  2. Share Web Recommendations

    1. Select a Web site to share

      As a team, select a Web site which you have visited and which has information in it you appreciate and would like to share with the class. Each team member should review this site, and select a different document from this site to report on.

    2. Create a starter file

      Use the command new.html to create a new HTML file for you to edit, in your ht directory, calling it hw3.html.

      cd public_html/ht
      new.html hw3.html

    3. Add information to the new document

      Edit hw3.html with pico, replacing all instances of QQQ with suitable text (except the verification at the end of the document; that is a later step.) Within the body of this document:
      • Identify yourself with a link to your home page (home.html file).
      • Describe the Web site you selected, and why you like it. Include in this description a link to this site.
      • Briefly describe the document you chose, and include a link to it.
      • Lastly, include a list of your team members, with links to their home pages and links to the individual documents they chose to report on.
      Important: see hw3.html for an example of what you should be doing.

    4. Verify your HTML

      The starter file includes a link to a program which will check whether your document contains proper HTML.

      Bring up your current hw3.html file, and click on the HTML 2.0 Checked link. Scroll down to the Check Documents by URL section and type in (or copy-and-paste) the URL for your hw3.html file. Click on Submit URLs for validation.

      If the program returns with a list of errors, work with your instructor or tutor to correct your hw3.html file and repeat this step until the program reports No errors found. Now, remove the QQQ ??? from the HTML 2.0 Checked line at the end of your document.

      Mail the URL of your completed hw3.html file to aisi@ics.uci.edu.