UCI ICS 80W, Homework 2

For lab the week of 3-7 July 1995

Before you begin, read this entire document.

The goals this week are for each team to:

  1. Preparation and Set up

    1. Restore your Netscape environment from floppy disk
    2. Log in to Clyde

  2. More practice with HTML

    1. Finishing Thursday's assignment

      If you have not finished Thursday's assignment (the e-mail to aisi@uci.edu.edu listing the URLs for the home.html files you and your team partners have created), do that first. See the Unix Exercises document for instructions.

      Important: Please check with your instructor regarding the status of your assignment. URLs have a demanding syntax, and several of you who have finished the assignment have made typographical errors which you may wish to correct before proceeding. It is often advisable to cut-and-paste URLs rather than typing them in. If you type them wrong, they simply don't work.

    2. A new document

      Go to your personal Web space, and make a copy of your home.html file into your ht directory, calling it hw2.html.

      cd public_html
      cp home.html ht/hw2.html

    3. Add information to the new document

      Go to your ht directory and edit hw2.html with pico, adding at the end an unordered (<UL>) list of people you have worked with in preparing this document: your team members, at least one instructor (Steve Franklin and Lyle Wiedeman), and anyone else in ICS 80W who may have helped you.

      cd ht
      pico hw2.html

      Each item in the list should be a link to the person's home page. For students, this is the home.html file. Here is a list of links to the instructors' home pages:

      There is an example hw2.html file at ICS 80W Example Homework 2.

      Note: those of you who are particularly interested in the workings of HTML may wish to try the links in your new page to see if they work, and for those that don't, figure out why not. Hint: the home.html files contain relative links. How might copying the file to a new directory affect their behavior?

    4. Assist Others

      If you finish with time remaining, find others who have not finished and assist them. You will reinforce what you've learned, and help the class all keep the same pace so there will be interesting new things for everyone to do on Tuesday.