ICS 80W: Self-Directed Lab Check-off (30 June 1995)
- Copy your saved Netscape environment (history, bookmarks, and
preferences) to the Netscape Preferences folder, then start Netscape.
- Add to the TOP of your bookmark list a new HEADING, "My 80W Team".
Within that heading, create bookmarks to the home pages of each member
of your team (including your own).
- Transfer a copy of your new bookmark list to your home page (on clyde),
as a file called "myteam.html". (HINT: Export your bookmark list to
the desktop or your floppy disk as a file called "myteam.html" then use
Fetch to transfer that file to the public_html directory of your clyde
- Reply to this mail message, including
- a copy of this message, and
- a copy of your new Web file "myteam.html" in your reply.