ICS 80W: Self-Directed Lab Check-off (30 June 1995)

  1. Copy your saved Netscape environment (history, bookmarks, and preferences) to the Netscape Preferences folder, then start Netscape.
  2. Add to the TOP of your bookmark list a new HEADING, "My 80W Team". Within that heading, create bookmarks to the home pages of each member of your team (including your own).
  3. Transfer a copy of your new bookmark list to your home page (on clyde), as a file called "myteam.html". (HINT: Export your bookmark list to the desktop or your floppy disk as a file called "myteam.html" then use Fetch to transfer that file to the public_html directory of your clyde account.)
  4. Reply to this mail message, including
    1. a copy of this message, and
    2. a copy of your new Web file "myteam.html" in your reply.