UCI ICS 80W, Lab Exercise 3

Due Friday, 7 July 1995

Using using the HTML form http://www.ics.uci.edu/~aisi/80w/doc/hw3.form.html, create an HTML document with the following content:

  1. Your name, e-mail address, and academic area of interest.
  2. Three items of interest you have found on the web with a brief statement about each including a link to the item.
  3. Five questions that you could not have answered at the start of this course, that you can answer now along with the answers. Each answer should be at least 80 words long and contain at least 2 links to other documents on the Web. At least 2 of these 5 questions should be directly related to the content of this course and at least 2 others should be directly related to the academic area of interest you have identified.

During labs on Tuesday and Wednesday, February 7 and 8, submit the five questions in text form, using the HTML form http://www.ics.uci.edu/~aisi/80w/doc/hw3.form.html which will be available at that time.

Submit your final HTML document by noon, Thursday February 16, by using Mosaic to Mail the HTML form of it to ics1c@ics.uci.edu with the following ``Subject:'':

    HW3 -- First_Name Last_Name -- eaxx1234
where ``First_Name Last_Name'' is your name and ``eaxx1234'' is your EA login.

Reminder: ``Mail to ...'' is a selection under Mosaic's ``File'' button.
Be sure to set the ``Format for mailed document'' to HTML, the ``Subject:'' as specified above, and the ``Mail To:'' entry to go to ics1c@ics.uci.edu, before pressing the ``Mail'' button.

Grading will be on the basis of content and presentation (including appropriate use of the technology). Your choice of questions is an important and influential part of the content.

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Current as of 4 July 1995
Please send comments to aisi@ics.uci.edu, including the URL to which your comments apply.