ICS 80W HW 3, Part 1, The Questions

General Instructions

As part of UCI ICS 80W, Lab Exercise 3, complete and submit this form during labs on Thursday-Friday, July 6-7.

You fill in the form by typing the information requested in each of the 8 areas given below. Instructions on ``submitting'' your responses are given at the end of this document.

Student Identification Information

E-mail: @clyde.ics.uci.edu

Five questions to be answered

  1. Question 1 to be answered in this assigment is as follows:
  2. Question 2 to be answered in this assigment is as follows:
  3. Question 3 to be answered in this assigment is as follows:
  4. Question 4 to be answered in this assigment is as follows:
  5. Question 5 to be answered in this assigment is as follows:

After selecting one of the options below, press the Do It! button to perform the indicated action.
The first two options allow you to preview what you are submitting. Use the ``Back'' button on your browser to get back to the form.
When you are ready to actually submit what you have typed in to the ICS 80W Instructional Staff, select the last option (``Submit the information on this form via mail to aisi@ics.uci.edu'') and press the Do It! button. The information will be mailed automatically.

Preview the way your document would look
Preview the mail to be sent
Submit the information on this form via mail to aisi@ics.uci.edu

July 4, 1995 for ICS 80W