Easy Access Account Policies

30 July 1994, oac@uci.edu

All currently registered and regularly enrolled students at UCI may obtain a free Easy Access account on the Academic Computing Sun computer system, "EA," which runs a version of the Unix operating system. Accounts are valid for one academic year and are renewable for as long as you are enrolled at UCI. Accounts may be renewed each fall quarter after being assigned.

You do not need to be enrolled in a computer class to have an Easy Access account. Your account may not be used by anyone other than yourself.

The current allocation for Easy Access accounts is $200.00 per year for each account. Each account holder is allowed 750 kilobytes of disk storage. You are responsible for monitoring your own usage via the "miser" and "cost" programs. If you over-spend, your account will be locked and you will be unable to use it for the rest of the school year. If your account is locked for using too much money, you will NOT be able to access any of the files in your account until it is unlocked when your account is renewed in July. Anyone who misuses a computer account will lose access to the account and any accompanying rights and privileges, and may also be subject to punitive action through University channels.

A Few Words of Wisdom

EA System

EA is a Sun SPARCserver 10 that runs SunOS, which is very similar to 4.3BSD Unix. For text editing we have emacs, edit, and vi. For text formatting, nroff, TeX and LaTeX are available. The following computer languages are supported: C, Fortran, Lisp, Pascal, and Prolog. "UNIX|STAT," a collection of data analysis routines is also available, along with Mathematica and SPSS. More software is being added continually. Users are advised to read the "system" bulletin board for details.

Ea has a sophisticated electronic mail system for communicating with other users locally and with users of UCInet machines, Bitnet, Usenet, NSFnet, and other off-campus networks and machines throughout the world via the Internet. For beginners who wish to send mail, we offer "pine," which is a menu-assisted program that handles electronic mail.

Ways to Get More Computing

Using Your Account

UCI Policy on Student use of Computing Resources 5/4/94

As a member of the UCI community a wide range of computing resources, both on and off campus, is available for your use. When you use computing at UCI you become part of our community of computer users, and like any community we can all make the best use of our resources if we all use them responsibly. If you make unethical use of UCI computers, you can be subjected to penalties ranging from a reprimand to expulsion from the University and criminal prosecution. You, of course, have the right to appeal any such charge or accusation - the University Ombudsman's office can help you prepare an appeal.

This document outlines the UCI policies for network and computer users. The fundamental principles behind our policies are these:

Every UCI owned computer is under the control of some system or lab manager. When you are given access, you will be told who that manager is. If you have any questions about these rules, or if you suspect that an account (yours or someone else's) has been broken into, please contact the manager and explain the problem. If you don't know who is the lab manager, call the consultant at 856-5551.

Any account created for you remains the property of the Regents of the University of California. You are responsible for this account, and you may not allow any other person to use it. The primary purpose of your account is to allow you to carry out your instructional activities. You may also make modest use of these resources for other purposes, such as sending electronic mail, reading the electronic bulletin boards, and playing games, provided that this usage does not significantly interfere with the primary use of the machines. An example of how one might "significantly interfere" would be to tie up a machine for game-playing when no others are free and someone else is waiting to use them. If you have a game or other program you would like to make available to other users, please email "consult" or call the consultant at 856-5551. You may not use the machines for commercial purposes, such as preparing bills for your company or advertising products, or for work related to non-UCI organizations, such as an off-campus political or religious group. If you are in doubt about whether some use of the machines is allowed, call the consultant.

Some unethical and illegal activities are listed below, but it is impractical-perhaps impossible-to produce a complete list. A careful reading of this policy plus the use of common sense should enable you to avoid problems. Be aware that much of the activities listed below are a crime under the California penal code section 502.


These policies are adapted from those issued by the UCI ICS department which were partially adapted from those used by the UCLA CS Department. They, in turn, borrowed some of their policies from Columbia University and the California Institute of Technology.