If you've reached this step within the prescribed succession,
you can now use your E4E account as often as you like.
- Connect to the e4e.uci.edu computer system as described below.
- At the ``login" prompt, type your ucinet ID
(WITHOUT the ``@uci.edu") and the password you have chosen.
For help connecting to e4e.uci.edu computer system from a campus
office, contact your department's Computing Support Coordinator.
If you're unsure who this is, you can find out from the OAC
consultant at 856-6116.
Away from campus, you can use a modem and telephone to connect:
- Modem Baud Rates 300, 1200, & 2400: (714) 856-5661
- Modem Baud Rates 9600 & 14400 Baud: (714) 856-8960
Type ``connect e4e" after the modem connects to the campus network.
There are MANY more ways to connect to the e4e.uci.edu computer
system than is convenient or even practical to list here.
For additional help, call the OAC consultant at 856-6116.