Cheating and Academic Dishonesty:
Anyone caught cheating on an exam or in any other aspect of the
course will automatically fail the course. In addition, the appropriate
deans will be notified. Cheating includes giving or receiving
assistance on an exam. If you are caught in possession of another
student's iclicker, or if you are caught with more than one iclicker,
or if someone else is caught in possession of your iclicker, your
actions will be considered cheating.
More generally, anyone involved in academic dishonesty will automatically
fail the course. Academic dishonesty includes,
but is not limited to, copying or providing answers on exams,
use of unauthorized notes or other materials on exams,
altering graded problems or exams before requesting regrading,
obtaining unauthorized copies of problems or exams, lying to excuse an absence,
or any other form of dishonesty or cheating intended to unfairly
improve your grade.
If you have any doubt about whether some behavior constitutes
academic dishonesty, first, assume it does, and then ask the instructor or
your TA to be sure. Please see the University's official policy at for more details.
If you become aware of cheating, please contact the professor or the TA as soon as
possible, and we will follow-up while ensuring your anonymity.
Makeup Policy: No makeup exams, homework problems,
or discussion section (in-class) problems will be given.
Absence from the Midterm or the Final will be accepted for the following
three reasons only:
- a serious personal illness documented by a typed and signed letter
from a licensed physician on his/her own office stationary with
the doctor's address and phone number stating the
illness and need for your absence, or
- death in your immendiate family documented by a death certificate, or
- mandatory military service documented by signed orders from
your commanding officer.
Regrades: Any request to have an exam or
in-class problem regraded must be made in writing and include an
explanation of the believed grading error. In-class problems should be
turned in to the TA, and exams should be given to the
instructor. On exams turned in for regrades, the entire exam may be
considered, and the instructor reserves the right to raise or
lower the grade as appropriate. Written requests for regrading of the midterm
or in-class problems
must be turned in by the end of the class or discussion section in
which the midterms or in-class problems are returned.
Homework Assignments and Course Outline:
The only way to really learn physics is by doing problems (not
memorizing the book).
The following reading and homework assignments refer to
Modern Physics, Taylor, Zafiratos, and Dubson,
Second Edition.