by Zhao, Hong
1. Title: Periodic Table
2. Brief Description:
I am going to make a periodic table. Using this application, you can find many information about an element by inputing the name or the index or the row_number and column_number of the element.
3. Classes:
class Element // class of all elements.
Element( ); // constructor.
string getName( );
int getIndex( );
int getRowNumber( );
int getColumnNumber( );
void setName(string name);
void setIndex(int index);
void setRowNumber(int rowNumber);
void setColumnNumber(int colNumber);
string the_name;
int the_index;
int num_row;
int num_col;
class Metal: public Element // class of all metal elements like Na, Mg, Al, ...
class NonMetal: public Element // class of all non-metal elements like S, Cl, ...
class ElemGroup1: public Element // class of all elements in group I like Na, K, ...
class ElemGroup2: public Element // class of all elements in group II like Mg, Ca, ...
class ElemGroup8: public Element // class of all elements in group VIII --- inert
// elements --- like He, Ne, ...