Title: Simulation of gauges on instrument panels
In this project, I want to represent gauges found on instrument panels. There are all types of gauges: digital, analog, linear scale, logarithmic scale, and so on. From this program I hope I can output these gauges on the screen. The classes will be :

class generalGauge;

class linearGauge : public generalGauge;

class logarithmicGauge : public generalGauge;

class linearDigitalGauge : public linearGauge;

class linearAnalogGauge : public linearGauge;

class logarithmicDigitalGauge : public logarithmicGauge;

class logarithmicAnalogGauge : public logarithmicGauge;

Each gauge performs at least two functions: It processes incoming signals, and it displays data. So the fundamental member functions are:



To determine the data members that should shared, we need to consider the features that gauges have in common. Here are some suggestions:

Resolution // The number of steps (increments) the gauge has

Scale // The number of steps per unit of input signal

Offset // Where "zero"is on the scale

Needle // The position to indicate current input signal

The last feature, the needle, is the part of the gauge that displays the incoming signals. This needls can be amoving hand on a circular dial, an arrow or a digital value.

The C++ features I will probably use are as follows:

  • nested classes

  • abstract classes

  • overloaded operators

  • throwing and catching exceptions