A pointer contains an address in memory of a variable.
int i = 2; int *p; // p is a pointer to an int p = &i; // p stores the address of i. "&i" means address of i. int j = 3 + *p; // *p is the contents of what the pointer p points to. // In this case, *p is the same as i which equals 2. p = &j; // Now p points to j. *p is now equal to j=5.Think of computer memory as having addresses and values stored at those addresses.
Computer Memory Address (p) Value (*p) ___________________ ___________________ 234938530 address of i 2 value of i 395720335 address of j 5 value of jSo first p = 234938530, then later p = 395720335. If we write (*p)++, (*p) and therefore j is incremented from 5 to 6. * is called the indirection or dereferencing operator.
float x[5] is an array of 5 floating point numbers. x[0]
is a float and &x[0]
is the address of the first element of
the array. Operators such as <, ==,
etc. work on pointers.
Thus to set an array to zero, we can write
float x[100]; float *px; for(px=&x[0];px<=&x[99];px++) //px++ points to the next element of the array *px=0.0;This is quite useful. Since
comes up a lot, it is often
denoted by just x. So px=x
is the same as px=&x[0]
is the same as px<=&x[99]
px + int is ok. For example, px + 6 designates a place in memory that is 6 float places after px. The ``6'' is not in units of bytes; it is in units of the size of floats or whatever type px points to. Suppose we are given
float *pf; char *pc;Then if pf=20000 (address in bytes), pf+6=20000 + 64 since each float takes 4 bytes. Similarly if pc=10000, pc+6=10006 since each char takes 1 byte. The sizeof functions gives these sizes in bytes.
sizeof(float)=4 sizeof(char)=1In general the sizeof(type) or sizeof(object) gives the size in bytes. px - pf gives an int that is the distance apart in floats, not in bytes.
The function strcpy copies the string in array t into the array s.
void strcpy(char *s, char *t) { while ((*s=*t)!='\0') { s++; t++; } } main() { char t[]="hello"; //When an array is created, initialize its char s[100]; //size in memory. Don't write char t[]; strcpy(s,t); //Notice that there is no "call" statement as in fortran. cout << s << endl; //cout knows to print the whole string "hello" }Or we could write
void strcpy(char *s, char *t) { while (*s++=*t++) // *s++ is the same as *(s++). First step: // s[0]=t[0], i.e., *s=*t. Then increment. ; // ";" is a blank statement. }Since the value of
is 0 or false, the while
statement will run until the end of the string is reached. (See page
31 of textbook for operator precedence.)
In Fortran, suppose we have
subroutine blah(x) real*8 x x=3.0 end program main real*8 y y=4.0 call blah(y) !blah replaces 4.0 by 3.0 write(*,*) y !prints 3.0 as y's value stop endx and y are synonyms for the same address, i.e., the same location in memory. So if you change y, you change x. lec2fortran.eps
What if you say
call blah(4.0d0)?This causes big problems because 4.0d0 is now 3.0d0. Later on z=4.0d0 might give you 3.0d0 for z!
In C, you pass arguments to functions by value:
#include<iostream.h> void blah(double x) { x=3.0; } void main() { double y; y=4.0; blah(y); //blah initially is passed the value 4.0 for x, //but then sets x=3.0. blah doesn't change y. cout << y << endl; //gives 4.0 as y's value }x and y reside in different places in memory. y gets copied into x, the argument for blah. This is called ``passing by value.'' The value for y doesn't actually change. lec2C.eps
Fortran passes by address or reference.
Both ways of passing variables are useful. C++ lets you do both with references.
double x=3.14; double &y=x; //A reference variable must be initialized //when it is declared.lec2ref.eps
y is a reference to x which is a double variable. y is a synonym for x. x and y refer to the same place in memory. It acts exactly like the Fortran variable y in the subroutine blah.
x=2.0; // now y=2.0 y=3.0; // now x=3.0 cout << x << y << endl; //yields 3.0 3.0(No * needed for references.)
Why do we need references?
where i, j and k are fixed for a
while. Then you could write
double &rx=x[18*i+j][32*k];Now use rx everywhere as a reference, until i or j or k changes. Then define a new reference. For example, to construct a unit matrix, we could write
double mat[100][100]; for(i=0;i<100;i++) for(j=0;j<100;j++) { double &m=mat[i][j]; if(i==j) m=1.0; else m=0.0; }
void blah(double &x) { x=3.0; } main() { double y; y=4.0; blah(y); cout << y << endl; // yields y=3.0 }This is really useful when you have ``big'' objects that you don't want to copy and pass to a function. It's more efficient to just tell the function where to find the object. But what if you say blah(4.0)? You're hosed.
In Fortran we use parameter to set constant values. For example,
parameter (pi=3.14159)C++ has const. For example,
const double pi=3.14159;This line could go anywhere, whereas in Fortran, parameter statements are at the beginning of the program. If later on we write pi=7.0; we get a syntax error.
There are
const float pi=3.14159; // A const variable must be initialized when // it is defined (except if it is declared // with an extern statement, in which // case it is defined elsewhere). const float *ppi=π *ppi=7.0; //ERROR
float a; float* const pa=&a; *pa=7.0; //OK to do this float b; pa=&b; //ERROR!
const float * const p = π *p = 7.0; //ERROR! p=&b; //ERROR!
You can't change anything in this case.
float* const pa
can be read ``pa is a
constant pointer to a float.''
void func(const double &x) {x=3.0;} //ERRORconst should appear everywhere possible in function arguments. It's more efficient if the compiler knows that those arguments won't be changed, and it prevents bugs. For example, writing
void strcpy(char* s, const char* t);prevents bugs.
double abs(double x) //Ok. Pass by value. {....} double abs(double &x) //BAD! because you could change x. double abs(const double &x) //Good way to do things.
If the program is in separate files, or if the function is defined later in the file, you need to declare the function. A declaration tells you the function is there but doesn't define it and tell you how it works. An example of a declaration is
double abs(const double &x); // The ";" replaces {}. // The "x" is optional.You can put this declaration anywhere in the program before abs is used.
In Fortran we dimension arrays as follows:
parameter(maxsize=1000) real*8 vec(maxsize)This means you have to recompile every time you have a different size for vec. Or you just make maxsize bigger than any conceivable size that vec could need. But this wastes memory.
In C++, we still have to dimension arrays and allocate memory, but we can do it efficiently by using new as in this example:
double *vec; //pointer to a vector cin >> n; vec = new double[n];This allocates 8n bytes of memory for vec and gives you a pointer to it. The next call to new will give you a pointer to a new location in memory.
delete is used to give back the memory once the program is finished with it. So once the program is finished with vec, it executes
delete []vec;and returns the allocated memory to the heap. This works not just for arrays, but also for single objects:
double *pa; pa=new double; delete pa;Objects created by new don't go away until you call delete. For example,
void badfunction() { double *px=new double[1000]; }Once the program is finished executing badfunction, it throws away px but the system has still set aside the memory and you can never get it back! This is called a ``memory leak''; it's a C++ programmer's worst nightmare.
Once you've allocated the pointer, you can treat it like an array. It works exactly like an array. For example,
float *a; a=new float[100]; for(i=0;i<100;i++) a[i]=1.0;
When do you use delete? The rule of thumb is to use delete to deallocate memory if you have used new to allocate it. If you haven't used new, don't use delete. For example,
float *a = new float[100]; float b[100]; //stuff delete []a; //use delete for array a because you used new // don't need delete for array b because you didn't use new
#define MAXLINES 5000 //max number of lines to be sorted char *lineptr[MAXLINES]; //pointers to text linesAside: The define statement is a preprocessor command that replaces all subsequent occurrences of MAXLINES with 5000 (except if MAXLINES appear in quotes "MAXLINES"). In general define statements have the form
#define name replacement textThe preprocessor will replace all subsequent occurrences of name with replacement text in the source file being compiled. define statments are often in header (
) files that are included in .cc
source files.
The replacement text can be an expression or a statement. For example,
#define forever for(;;) //infinite loop #define max(A,B) ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))Names may be undefined with
Back to arrays of pointers: The declaration for lineptr
char *lineptr[MAXLINES]; //pointers to text linessays that lineptr is an array of MAXLINES elements, each element of which is a pointer to a char. That is, lineptr[i] is a character pointer, and
is the
character it points to, the first character of the ith saved text
line. Since lineptr is itself the name of an array, it can
be treated as a pointer. Thus it is a pointer to pointers. (How's that
for confusing?) We can initialize a pointer array as follows:
char *name[] = {"Dopey", "Sleepy", "Doc"};Notice that each string is a different length. name goes from name[0] to name[2], and each element of name is a pointer to a string.
Another use for a pointer to an array is two dimensional arrays. Given the definitions
int a[10][20]; int *b[10];then
and b[3][4]
are both legal references to
a single int. a is a true two dimensional array;
each row of a has 20 int-sized elements.
However, the important advantage of the pointer array is that the
rows of the array may be of different lengths. That is, each element
of b need not point to a twenty-element vector; some may point
to two elements, some to fifty, and some to none at all. So b
doesn't waste memory.
If a multi-dimensional array is passed to a function, the function declaration typically looks like
func(int a[]); or func(int *a); //for a 1D array func(int a[][]); or func(int **a); //for a 2D array func(int a[][][]); or func(int ***a); //for a 3D arrayThese arrays are dimensioned elsewhere in the program and passed to the function. Here is an example of how to use new and delete for a two dimensional array:
#include <iostream.h> void func(int **p); void main() { //Create a 2D array of integers p[5][2] int** p; p=new int*[5]; //create array of 5 pointers to integers for(int i=0;i<5;i++) p[i]=new int[2]; //create row with 2 integers func(p); //pass name of array without ** for(int i=0;i<5;i++) delete []p[i]; //delete in reverse order of creation delete []p; } void func(int **p){ int n=0; for(int i=0;i<5;i++) for(int j=0;j<2;j++) {p[i][j]=n++; cout << i << " "<<j<< " "<< p[i][j]<<endl;} }
In C and C++, elements of arrays are stored by row, so that the rightmost subscript, or column, varies fastest as elements are accessed in storage order. In Fortran, elements of arrays are stored by column so that the first subscript, or row, varies fastest as elements are accessed in storage order.
int *pFn();Instead, this declares a function that returns a pointer to an integer. The ( ) takes effect first because it has a higher precedence than
. To get the desired effect, parentheses
are required:
int (*pFn)(float);Now the
takes effect first. This is read as ``pFn is a
pointer to a function that takes a float argument and returns an
int.'' In use, its syntax is similar to that of an array:
int anotherFn(float f); //Some function, defined somewhere void myFunc(float x) { int (*pFn)(float); //Declare a pointer to a function pFn = anotherFn; //A function name alone refers to its address. (*pFn)(x); //Call the function pointed at by pFn }In the last line the extra parentheses are necessary when calling
because the precedence of ( ) is higher than that of
. If we had just written *pFn(x)
, the program would
interpret pFn as a function of x that returns a pointer
and *pFn(x)
is the value pointed at by pFn(x).
Pointers to functions are used a lot in Numerical Recipes. (Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing by W. H. Press, S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1992) is an excellent text on scientfic computing techniques. They have a homepage at http://www.nr.com where you can download the text of the book.) For example suppose you want to integrate a function func(x) over x from a to b using Simpson's rule. The declaration found in Numerical Recipes is
float qsimp(float (*func)(float), float a, float b);Here a pointer to func is passed to the integration routine qsimp. qsimp returns the value of the integral as a float. To use qsimp, we would write something like:
float function(float); float integral = qsimp(function, a, b);Notice that the argument of qsimp is just function, not
since the name of the function by itself
refers to the address of the function.