Freshman Seminar: Why things are the way they are

Fall 2003

Instructor: Prof. Clare Yu
Office: FRH 2168
Phone: 949-824-6216
Office Hours:

Class: 3:00 pm-13:50 pm Monday RH 184

Grading : To earn a C or better, you cannot miss more than one class. You should do the assigned reading before class. Your grade will be based on class participation and the final exam. The final exam will be closed book. It will be on Monday Dec. 8 from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm in RH 184.

Goals: To understand why different materials have different properties.

Required Textbook:

Course Web Page: Course materials such as the syllabus are available on the course web page (

Oct. 6: Crystals

Oct. 13: Particles and Waves

Oct. 20: The Atom and Statistical Physics

Oct. 27: The Quantum Mechanical Crystal

Nov. 3: Mechanical and Thermal Properties

Nov. 10: Interaction with Light

Nov. 17: Electrical Properties

Nov. 24: Magnets

Dec. 1: Superconductors and Conclusion