Cloud-J & Solar-J

For the most recent codes related to Fast-J or Cloud-J please go to anonymous ftp site at and look under public/prather/Fast-J_&_Cloud-J.
Cloud-J 7.3c (2015 GMD) provides a practical and accurate method for modeling atmospheric chemistry. Cloud-J now uses observations of the vertical correlation of cloud layers to define Maximum-Correlated groups of overlapping fractional area clouds with a column atmosphere. Cloud-J continues the use of Quadrature Columnn Atmospheres (QCAs) to approximate the too numerous Independent Column Atmospheres (ICAs) within a single latitude-longitude grid element.
For the most recent codes related to Solar-J (photolysis & solar heating code) please go to anonymous ftp site at and look under public/junoh/Solar-J.
Solar-J 7.5 (2017 GMDD) provides a practical and accurate method for modeling photoysis and heating rates. The vis-ir extension to Cloud-J is taken from RRTMG-SW.