Kamlesh Bans


Physical Sciences Math 1977

Career Path: 

I am a financially independent private investor.

My prior experience of 30 plus years involved many aspects of IT in business including software development, database administration, project management, and computer systems administration.

I was employed as a computer systems administrator for Skyworks Solutions which is located on the edge of the UCI campus at Bison and California. I have recently retired.

Career Experience: 
Investing in real estate and securities. Information Technology and Software Development.
Personal Interests: 
My grandson, investments, travel, cars, cooking, photography, writing, computer graphics, and many more. I am a life long learner.
Type of Students: 
A student who wants to learn about finance and investing. Also a student who wants to understand how the workplace functions and to be coached on the interview and the hiring process.
Number of Students I can Mentor: 
Joined Date: 
18 years 7 months ago
Ideal Mentoring Relationship: 
I'd like us to communicate frequently using any assortment of methods such as email, text, or voice. I'd like to have in-person meetings about once a month.