Trusting the Physical Sciences Root CA in OS X
Step 1.
Option-Click here and
click "Save Linked File to the Desktop" to download the Physical
Sciences Root CA Certificate to your computer.
Step 2.
Press Apple-F and search for keychain. Doubleclick on the application 'Keychain Access'.
Step 3.
From the File menu select 'Import Items'.
Step 4.
From the Desktop select the file you just saved, psrootca.reg. Make sure the Destination Keychain
says 'login', and click Open.
Step 5.
Click 'Always Trust'.
Step 6.
Enter your password to save the keychain change.
Step 7.
Double click on 'Physical Sciences Root Certificate' which is now in the 'login' keychain.
Step 8.
Click the triangle to the left of Trust to view the trust settings. Set the top pulldown ('When using this certificate') to 'Always Trust'. Click the red X to save changes. You will have to enter your password one more time.